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(Di Chúc của Vua Trần Nhân Tôn).
Wikileaks: The Hillary Clinton Campaign Colluded With China
Wikileaks today dropped a bombshell, alleging that the Hillary Clinton for President campaign colluded with the Chinese government. If true, you can be sure the mainstream media will try to bury this and keep their focus on Russia.
Wikileaks just tweeted this out:
Chinese ambassador email to set up meeting with Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta during campaign https://t.co/Q6XqmEaxI4 pic.twitter.com/DtkqHjkMqO
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) June 30, 2017
Second email communication from Chinese ambassador https://t.co/fLDCvJkrjT pic.twitter.com/h6j3pDcVPy
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) June 30, 2017
The first email concerns a staffer setting up a meeting between Clinton campaign chariman John Podesta and Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai. And before the left argues meeting with an ambassador is exactly what leaders are supposed to do, remember they mercilessly attacked Trump officials for meeting with the Russian Ambassador.
Why the Supreme Court is the only part of government that doesn’t leak
By Stephen Carter June 30, 2017 | 5:01am | Updated
Getty Images
With another Supreme Court term behind us, full of decisions both predictable and surprising, perhaps we should take a moment to consider a question very much of the moment: Why doesn’t the court leak? The rest of Washington has reached the point where confidentiality is a joke. So why not the Supreme Court, too?
SEE ALSOThe Supreme Court's biggest rulings before summer recess
I’m not saying that no secrets ever trickle down from our sacred legal mountain. Back in 2012, CBS News ran a story that Chief Justice John Roberts had changed his vote in the decision upholding the Affordable Care Act. Court-watchers were suitably shocked. Experts speculated on who the leaker might have been.
Yet in and of itself, the leak wasn’t interesting. Justices change their votes all the time. What made the Roberts story news was not its content but the fact that the court seems all but leak-proof.
Trump travel ban takes effect to minimal disruption
By Samuel Chamberlain Published June 29, 2017
Fox News
VIDEO: Trump’s travel ban: Who's allowed in and who's barred?
A scaled-down version of President Donald Trump’s travel ban took effect at 8 p.m. ET Thursday, with none of the dramatic scenes of protest and chaos that greeted the original version of Trump’s executive order five months ago.
The Departments of Homeland Security, State and Justice went ahead with the implementation after the Supreme Court partially restored the order earlier this week.
The new rules tighten visa policies affecting citizens from six majority Muslim nations: Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. People from those countries who need new visas will now have to prove a close family relationship or an existing relationship with an entity like a school or business in the United States.
Citizens of those countries who already have visas will be allowed into the U.S. as usual.
Experts: U.S. Needs to Take Heed of Recent Surge of Terror Attacks in Europe
ISIS has continued to successfully attack Europe, U.S. using social media to gain following
BY: Nic Rowan Follow @NicXTempore June 28, 2017 11:14 am
Police officers stand on duty outside an entrance to Borough Market on Borough High Street in London on June 7, 2017, after a police cordon was reduced following the June 3 terror attack / Getty Images
Experts recommended the United States take heed of the recent surge of terror attacks in Europe to learn how to more effectively combat ISIS at a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday.
George Washington University fellow Seamus Hughes told the committee that although it is losing ground on the battlefield, ISIS has successfully continued to attack Europe and the United States because it uses social media to command local sympathies.
"Until recently, IS operated a relative safe haven from which it could plot and plan attacks. Despite its recent territorial losses, it continues to maintain a cadre of sympathizers who feel an obligation to help the beleaguered Caliphate," he said. "This is one of the main factors that explain the wave of attacks, both thwarted and successful, that have hit Europe and the United States in recent months."
READ MORE:http://freebeacon.com/national-security/experts-u-s-needs-take-heed-recent-surge-terror-attacks-europe/
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 30062017 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là đồng lõa với TỘI ÁC
U.S. President Donald Trump waves with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) after attending a Friends of Ireland reception on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., March 16, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
White House, Republican Leaders Stand Together On Immigration Reform
Alexa Archambault 3:32 PM 06/29/2017
The House of Representatives is set to vote Thursday afternoon on two key bills, Kate’s Law and No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, that will crack down on illegal immigration.
The White House and Republicans in Congress are standing united behind these efforts, a needed shift following a week of contentious health care debate amongst Senate Republicans.
Kate’s Law, named after Kate Steinle, a 32-year-old woman allegedly shot and killed by a previously deported illegal immigrant in 2015, makes any individual who is found in the U.S. after already being deported subject to a fine, jail time or both. Prison sentences can range from two to 25 years, depending on the severity of each person’s previous convictions.
The No Sanctuary for Criminals Act threatens to block sanctuary cities from receiving Department of Justice or Department of Homeland Security grant money, due to their noncompliance with federal immigration law.
“The two bills up for a vote this week … will help Immigration and Customs Enforcement uphold our nation’s immigration laws and help make our communities more safe,” Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said at a press conference. “President Trump has been clear that our borders are not open to illegal immigration. We are a nation of laws and we will no longer look the other way.”
“President Trump has been clear that our borders are not open to illegal immigration. We are a nation of laws and we will no longer look the other way,” he added.
Critics of this legislation, specifically the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, cite some law enforcement officers who claim that the cutoff of federal funding will weaken their communities and hinder their ability to fight crime.
“We’re making the streets safer and law enforcement knows it,” House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte said, responding to the criticism. “It’s a simple principle that if you’re going to receive taxpayer dollars from the federal government to keep people safe, you’ve got to follow the law.”
President Donald Trump expressed his support for the two bills via Twitter on Thursday:
Today, the House votes on two crucial bills:
☑️Pass these bills & lets MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN
House Speaker Paul Ryan also bolstered his confidence in the two pieces of legislation, stating that he is looking forward to their passage.
Follow Alexa Archambault on Twitter
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Sexual abuse survivors group raises pressure on Pope Francis following charges against Cardinal Pell
June 30, 20176:13am
Cardinal George Pell has denied he carried out sexual abuse and return to Australia to face charges. Picture: AFP PHOTO / WILLIAM WEST
Victoria Craw, news.com.au @Victoria_Craw
A GROUP of sexual abuse survivors has put pressure on Pope Francis to respond to the child sex abuse charges levelled against Australian Cardinal George Pell.
The US-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) called for the leader of the Catholic Church to respond and said “sexual abuse thrives when it is allowed to flourish in secrecy”.
“We await Pope Francis’ response to this development. As the head of the Catholic Church, he has promised to work to end the scourge of abuse by his clergy. We expect him to give proof of this by sending Cardinal Pell home immediately to face these charges,” Joelle Casteix said in a statement.
“We are always grateful and encouraged when law enforcement works hard to gather evidence to build a case against a powerful and influential man. We hope that anyone with additional information about this case will contact law enforcement,” she said.
“We also hope that the Australian Government’s long and extensive investigation into institutional abuse inspires other countries to follow in their footsteps and hold similar hearings.”
Australian Cardinal George Pell has declared himself innocent and said he looks forward to defending himself in court. Picture: AFP PHOTO / Alberto PIZZOLISource:AFP
Cardinal Pell strongly defended himself against historical sex abuse charges in a press conference in Vatican City, saying “I am innocent” and the idea of sexual abuse is “abhorrent” to him.
Pope Francis’ Vatican spokesman Greg Burke said the church leader had learned “with regret” of the charges and granted Pell leave to return to Australia to defend himself.
He said Pell had “openly and repeatedly condemned as immoral and intolerable” acts of sexual abuse against minors. He has also previously testified to Australia’s Royal Commission into sex abuse where he spoke about his role as a Bishop in Australia.
Pope Francis has previously met with survivors of child sexual abuse at the hands of clergy and apologised for the actions of the church.
In 2014 he said the failure of the institution to respond led to “greater suffering” for victims, however critics have said his actions ring hollow and have not gone far enough.
Pope Francis has pledged to clean up the church’s reputation but has received criticism for not going far enough when it comes to victims of abuse. Picture: L'Osservatore Romano/Pool Photo via AP.Source:AP
Cardinal Pell is the highest ranking member of the Catholic Church to face charges against him. He was archbishop of Melbourne and, later, Sydney before Francis appointed him in 2014 to head the Vatican’s new economy secretariat.
On Thursday Cardinal Pell said he “looked forward” to having his day in court and had kept the Pope informed of the situation.
“I’ve kept Pope Francis, the Holy Father, regularly informed during these long months. I have spoken to him on a number of occasions in the last week, I think, most recently, a day or so ago,” he said.
“We talked about my need to take leave to clear my name. So I’m very grateful to the Holy Father for giving me this leave to return to Australia.
Clouds hang over St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican as Cardinal George Pell confirmed he will return to Australia to face sex abuse charges. Picture: AP \ Photo/Gregorio Borgia.Source:AP
The 76-year-old has previously avoided returning to Australia on doctor’s advice and he described the case against him as a “character assassination”.
“These matters have been under investigation now for two years. There have been leaks to the media. There has been relentless character assassination. A relentless character assassination,” he said.
“And for more than a month, claims that a decision on whether to lay charges was imminent. I’m looking forward, finally, to having my day in court.”
Victoria state Police Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton said police have summonsed Pell to face multiple charges of “historical sexual offences,” meaning offences that generally occurred some time ago.
Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher, who succeeded Cardinal Pell in the role and has known him for almost three decades, says he’s shocked to hear about the charges against the “honest man”.
“The George Pell I know is a man of integrity in his dealings with others, a man of faith and high ideals, a thoroughly decent man,” Archbishop Fisher said in a statement.
Pell was ordered to appear in Melbourne Magistrates Court on July 18.
Military option for North Korea being prepared for Trump, McMaster says
Published June 29, 2017
Fox News
VIDEO: Analyzing potential US policy options on North Korea
President Trump's national security adviser said Wednesday that the administration is considering a wider range of strategies on how to deal with North Korea, including the military option.
“The threat is much more immediate now and so it’s clear that we can’t repeat the same approach – failed approach of the past,” H.R. McMaster, the adviser, said during a security conference with Homeland Security Chief John Kelly.
He said it would be insanity to continue to do the same thing the U.S. has done for years and expect a different result.
McMaster’s comments come a day before Trump is scheduled to meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in. South Korea’s new leader vowed to stand firmly with Trump against North Korea, downplaying his past advocacy for a softer approach toward the isolated regime.
"Together we will achieve the dismantlement of North Korea's nuclear program, peace on the Korean Peninsula and eventually peace in Northeast Asia," Moon said.
The talks between Moon and Trump, which begin with dinner on Thursday night and then formal talks on Friday, come amid intense wrangling over North Korea.
China is pushing the United States to start negotiations with the North. That prospect appears unlikely as Trump grows frustrated over Beijing's level of economic pressure on the North, its wayward ally.
North Korea shows no sign of wanting to restart talks on abandoning its nuclear weapons program.
Moon told The Washington Post that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is "unreasonable" and "very dangerous" and that pressure was necessary. But Moon said sanctions alone would not solve the problem, and dialogue was needed "under the right conditions."
The THAAD missile defense is also expected to be talked about. Seoul delayed the full deployment of the U.S. system that is intended to protect South Korea and the 28,000 U.S. forces on the peninsula.
Moon's government has ordered an environmental review before allowing additional launchers for the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system. South Korean officials say that does not mean they are placating China or reversing the decision, which risks angering Washington.
The U.S. has stepped up shows of military force near the Korean Peninsula under Trump, and outrage in Washington over North Korea has only grown since the death last week of U.S. university student Otto Warmbier. He had spent 17 months in detention in the totalitarian nation for stealing a propaganda poster and returned home this month in a coma. Three other Americans and six South Koreans are still being held in the North.
Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
Donald Trump’s stern warning to Syria that it will pay “a very heavy price” if it again uses chemical weapons shows a welcome return to strong US leadership in the Middle East. It has been absent from the region’s crises for too long. In April, President Trump acted swiftly when he ordered a lethal cruise missile strike on the Syrian air base of Shayrat after pictures emerged of scores of men, women and children killed or writhing in agony after a sarin gas attack by the Assad regime.
Mr Trump now has gone further and injected the US into the heart of the Syrian crisis after receiving surveillance reports showing the regime is preparing a chemical weapons attack from the same Syrian base. Mr Trump’s proactive public warning to President Bashar al-Assad and his Russian and Iranian allies to back off or face serious repercussions is unusual. Normally such warnings are delivered through diplomatic channels.
Mr Trump is right, however, to make it crystal clear that the US is firmly back in the game in Syria after the woeful neglect of the Obama years, and to leave Damascus, Moscow and Tehran in no doubt he is prepared to act to forestall or mete out punishment if there is another gas attack.
After the US’s speedy reaction in April, Mr Assad and his allies would be unwise to underrate the US leader’s determination. France’s new President, Emmanuel Macron, following a telephone call from Mr Trump, is strongly supporting the US leader. He has promised to be part of any response if Mr Assad again uses chemical weapons. Britain, too, is supporting the US strongly.
Using chemical weapons against defenceless men, women and children is a heinous war crime. Moscow and Tehran do themselves no good by being complicit in the Damascus regime’s atrocities. It speaks volumes that as Mr Trump’s warning was being issued, Mr Assad was ostentatiously seated in the cockpit of a warplane similar to those used to launch gas attacks. He also met the chief of the Russian general staff, General Valery Gerasimov.
Barack Obama’s abysmal failure to do anything much about Syria, especially after Mr Assad defied his “red lines” on the use of chemical weapons, has cost the Syrian people dearly. Given the complexities of the conflict, including the fight to destroy Islamic State, Mr Trump’s options are difficult. His determination to reassert US leadership, however, is one of the few hopeful signs in the humanitarian disaster. He deserves solid backing.
Using chemical weapons against defenceless men, women and children is a heinous war crime. Moscow and Tehran do themselves no good by being complicit in the Damascus regime’s atrocities. It speaks volumes that as Mr Trump’s warning was being issued, Mr Assad was ostentatiously seated in the cockpit of a warplane similar to those used to launch gas attacks. He also met the chief of the Russian general staff, General Valery Gerasimov.
Barack Obama’s abysmal failure to do anything much about Syria, especially after Mr Assad defied his “red lines” on the use of chemical weapons, has cost the Syrian people dearly. Given the complexities of the conflict, including the fight to destroy Islamic State, Mr Trump’s options are difficult. His determination to reassert US leadership, however, is one of the few hopeful signs in the humanitarian disaster. He deserves solid backing.
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 29062017 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là đồng lõa với TỘI ÁC
FBI 'reopening' probe of DoD-funded school with suspected Chinese military ties, rep says
By Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne, Cyd Upson Published June 28, 2017
Fox News
VIDEO: Congress investigating school's alleged ties to China
The FBI is “reopening” its probe of a taxpayer-funded online school for military servicemembers after a six-month Fox News investigation exposed its alleged Chinese military ties, according to a senior Republican lawmaker.
"They've told us they're looking more seriously at it, that they're quote, unquote, reopening that investigation, and I hope to get some answers," retiring Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told Fox News.
Rescuers from Malta-based NGO Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) distribute life jackets to migrants on a rubber dinghy in central Mediterranean on international waters off Zuwarah, Libya, April 14, 2017. REUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi
Italy Threatens To Close Its Ports As Migrant Situation Spirals Out Of Control
Jacob BojessonForeign Correspondent 5:16 PM 06/28/2017
Italy has threatened to close its ports for foreign ships as the migrant situation in the Mediterranean sea has become “unsustainable.”
More than 77,000 migrants have arrived in Italy so far in 2017, an increase of 14 percent compared to 2016. The government is now accusing the European Union of “looking the other way” instead of offering support.
“Italy has reached saturation point,” an unnamed government source told Reuters. “The idea of blocking humanitarian ships flying foreign flags from returning to Italian ports has been discussed.”
Fox News has hired Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) to be a contributor for the cable news channel after the congressman ends his House term early on June 30.
Chaffetz will start his role at Fox on July 1, according to a statement from the network.
"In this role he will offer political analysis across FNC and FOX Business Network’s (FBN) daytime and primetime programming," the network said.
The Utah congressman and head of the House Oversight Committee announced in May that he he would resign from Congress to pursue other opportunities.
Shortly after, Washingtonian reported that he'd been telling fellow lawmakers he planned to join Fox News.
Earlier this month, a group of about 800 state Republican delegates voted to advance former Utah lawmaker Chris Herrod to the August primary, where he will face off against Provo Mayor John Curtis and Tanner Ainge, son of Boston Celtics manager Danny Ainge.
The media will do anything to bash Trump — and now they’re hurting
By Michael Goodwin June 27, 2017 | 10:38pm | Updated
Donald Trump
It was many years ago, but the memory lingers of the first time I was embarrassed to be a journalist. It was a steamy summer afternoon and reporters and photographers were shoehorned into a small Manhattan apartment for a civic group’s announcement.
As we waited, a photographer wearing a “Press” card in his battered fedora picked up a bud vase from a table, pulled out the rose and drank the water in one gulp.
The hostess was horrified and shrieked, “What are you doing?” He looked at her as if she were nuts and said simply, “It’s hot in here and I’m thirsty.”
I laugh now at the outlandishness of the photographer’s behavior, but at the time I cringed and wondered: Do I really want to be a journalist and end up like that?
America should be so lucky now. Bad manners are the least of it.
In the sixth month of Donald Trump’s presidency, we are witnessing an unprecedented meltdown of much of the media. Standards have been tossed overboard in a frenzy to bring down the president.
Trump, like all presidents, deserves coverage that is skeptical and tough, but also fair. That’s not what he’s getting.
What started as bias against him has become a cancer that is consuming the best and brightest. In rough biblical justice, media attempts to destroy the president are boomeranging and leaving their reputations in tatters.
He accuses them of publishing fake news, and they respond with such blind hatred that they end up publishing fake news. That’ll show him.
CNN is suffering an especially bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even trying to make a virtue of its hostility to the president. In doing so, executives conveniently confuse animus with professional skepticism, and cite growing audiences as proof of their good judgment.
The bottom line matters, and there is certainly an audience for hating Trump all the time. But facts and fairness separate major news organizations from any other business looking to make a buck, and a commitment to them creates credibility and public trust.
That’s how CNN sold itself for years — boring but trustworthy. Now it’s boring and untrustworthy.
For all its bravado, the network might be having doubts about its course. Its apology for and retraction of a story connecting a Trump associate to a Russia investment fund, and the resignation of three journalists involved, suggest the network fears it has lost control of its own agenda. It also issued a special edict barring all Russia coverage without approval from top bosses.
Trump administration leaves Obama's upgrades of Cuba, Malaysia intact
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson / Getty Images
BY: Susan Crabtree Follow @susancrabtree June 27, 2017 11:33 am
The United States placed China on a list of nations considered to be the worst human trafficking offenders, a move that could exacerbate tensions with Beijing following an easing of relations in the first few months of the Trump administration.
The public rebuke to China could complicate efforts by the United States to persuade Beijing to help curb North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. China's downgrade puts the country among the list of the world's worst human rights offenders, including Iran, Syria, and Russia. The Associated Press first reported the move late Monday.
At the same time, the United States did not reverse controversial upgrades during the Obama administration of Cuba and Malaysia from the worst level 3 offenders to the middle rung, a No. 2 rating.
Reports in 2015 that senior officials in Obama's State Department overrode recommendations from career diplomats to raise Malaysia's and Cuba's designations outraged human rights advocates and opponents of the Castro regime at the time.
Several lawmakers took issue with the controversial moves and held hearings, arguing that the decisions were motivated by politics rather than evidence of human trafficking.
The Obama administration just months before had announced its diplomatic thaw with Cuba, and the higher designation for Malaysia meant it could be eligible for inclusion in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a major trade deal between the U.S. and 11 countries. The TPP was a major second-term priority for Obama but Trump withdrew from the trade pact almost immediately upon taking office.
"The government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so; therefore, China was downgraded to Tier 3," the State Department said in a lengthy country-by-country report released Tuesday.
It was the second time in seven years that China was downgraded to the worst designation. The Obama administration placed Beijing at level three in 2013 but upgraded China again from 2014 to 2016.
While China had taken steps to address trafficking, including working with other countries to investigate cases fund awareness campaigns and provide law enforcement data on trafficking convictions, the State Department said it couldn't verify how many cases the government provided were consistent with the international definition of human trafficking.
"Some unverified media and NGOs reports indicated that government complicity in forced labor continued," the report said.
Specifically, the report found that "local officials in Xinjiang coerced Uighur men and women to participate in forced labor in and outside the province," despite the local government announcing in early 2017 that the practice was outlawed.
Additionally, it said the government convicted fewer sex and labor traffickers compared to the previous reporting period.
Authorities continued to repatriate North Koreans without screening the for indicators of trafficking, the report found.
Even though the government requires the screening of all individuals arrested for prostitution, "it's unclear if any were screened, and the government did not report referring any such potential victims to shelters or other care," the report stated.
In addition, Chinese law does not "fully criminalize all forms of trafficking such as the facilitation of prostitution involving children younger than the age of 18, and defines several crimes as human trafficking that do not fit within international law," it said.
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Susan Crabtree Email Susan | Full Bio | RSS Susan Crabtree is a senior writer for the Washington Free Beacon. She is a veteran Washington reporter who has covered the White House and Congress over the past two decades. She has written for the Washington Examiner, the Washington Times, the Hill newspaper, Roll Call, and Congressional Quarterly.
Follow @susancrabtree
FILE PHOTO: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch participates in taking a new family photo with his fellow justices at the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., U.S., June 1, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Justice Gorsuch Delivers For Conservatives In First Term
Photo of Kevin Daley
Kevin Daley
Legal Affairs Reporter 1:38 PM 06/27/2017
At this early juncture of his tenure, Justice Neil Gorsuch has placed his bold, conservative bona fides in plain view, evincing an important shift in the center of gravity among the Court’s five conservatives.
It is difficult to get the full measure of a justice in the space of a few rulings, but Gorsuch’s choices as late leave little doubt as to the shape of his jurisprudence.
Perhaps the most important development of Gorsuch’s early tenure is his repeated alignment with Justice Clarence Thomas, a jurist often alone in concurrence or dissent articulating an originalist vision. This emergent nexus could indicate that the balance of power among the Court’s five conservatives is shifting away from the soft, institutional Toryism of the chief justice, to Thomas’ pure originalism.
Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations
By Christopher Wallace Published June 27, 2017Fox News
Former President Barack Obama (2nd L), his wife Michelle (3rd L) along with his daughters Sasha (C) and Malia (2nd R) go rafting while on holiday in Bongkasa Village, Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia June 26, 2017 in this photo taken by Antara Foto. (Antara Foto/Wira Suryantala/ via REUTERS)
The Democratic base is growing increasingly frustrated with former President Barack Obama’s actions after leaving office, including a seemingly endless tour of millionaire and billionaire luxury retreats, according to Democrats and activists contacted by Fox News.
Ex-presidents, understandably and un-controversially, go on vacations immediately after leaving office. But the level of luxury the Obamas enjoy on their vacations is unprecedented for a modern-day president, say travel experts.
Since leaving office in late January, Obama has visited late actor Marlon Brando’s private island; the Four Seasons in Bali -- where rooms cost upward of $2,000 per night; a Palm Springs estate; Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island; the exclusive Mid Pacific Country Club in Oahu; the 13th-century Borgo Finocchieto in Tuscany; and the Rising Sun, Hollywood studio mogul David Geffen’s private yacht.
By Post Editorial Board June 26, 2017 | 8:31pm | Updated
Getty Images
The Supreme Court handed a big victory to President Trump and the rule of law Monday, unanimously striking down over-the-top rulings against his travel ban by two US courts of appeals.
The rulings by Ninth and Fourth Circuit judges had blocked Trump from barring entry to America by people from six majority-Muslim nations (for 90 days) and refugees (for 120 days) while the administration reviewed procedures to vet them.
Most important, the high court plainly doesn’t buy the idea that the travel bans are just efforts to make good on Trump’s talk of a “Muslim ban” early in the 2016 campaign.
The president says this is an effort to prevent terror attacks on US soil, and the courts are obliged to take him at his word — not venture into speculative mind-reading in search of “bias.” Especially since the law and the Constitution grant the chief executive extremely wide discretion over legal entry into the United States.
By Amie Parnes - 06/27/17 06:00 AM EDT 2,295 COMMENTS
Democrats are grappling with how to keep their progressive base happy while winning over white working-class voters who left the party in the 2016 elections.
Defections by blue-collar voters cost Democrat Hillary Clinton the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, all of which went to President Trump. It was the first time since 1988 that a GOP presidential candidate had won Michigan or Pennsylvania, and the first time since 1984 in Wisconsin.
The fallout has created an identity crisis for a Democratic Party seeking to find its way forward in the post-Obama era.
A string of House special election losses culminating in Democrat Jon Ossoff’s disappointing defeat in Georgia last week has only intensified the scrutiny and second-guessing of Democratic strategy, to say nothing of the hand-wringing by party activists craving a victory.
“I’m not convinced we know what the best thing is for the party right now,” said Democratic strategist Jim Manley. “I’m not convinced we have the answers.”
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump argues with CNN's Jim Acosta, calling the outlet "fake news," during a news conference in the lobby of Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York City, U.S., January 11, 2017. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
Three CNN Employees Resign Over Botched Trump-Russia Story
Photo of Peter Hasson
Peter Hasson
Associate Editor 7:28 PM 06/26/2017
Three CNN employees have resigned from the company for their role in pushing a botched Trump-Russia story that claimed a member of the Trump transition team was under investigation.
Reporter Thomas Frank, editor Eric Lichtblau and executive editor Lex Haris all resigned from their positions following a company-wide investigation into the single-sourced story that was quickly debunked, The Washington Post first reported. CNN quickly followed up with a story of their own on the resignations. Lichtblau reportedly oversaw the false story, while Haris headed up CNN’s investigative unit.
“In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on CNN.com, CNN has accepted the resignations of the employees involved in the story’s publication,” CNN’s coverage quotes a company spokesman as saying.
The retracted story, which relied upon a single unnamed congressional source, claimed that Senate investigators were probing Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci and whether or not he discussed lifting sanctions during a meeting with a Russia banker just days before Trump’s inauguration. CNN later retracted the story and apologized to Scaramucci. (RELATED: CNN Retracts Story About Trump Adviser Being Under Investigation For Russia Ties)
Lichtblau had recently joined CNN from The New York Times, where he often relied upon unnamed current and former government sources when writing about Russia’s election-related hacking. The botched Scaramucci story was the second botched Trump-Russia story this month in which Lichtblau had played a role.
Earlier this month, CNN was forced to correct and rewrite an article by four writers, including Lichtblau, that relied upon anonymous sources claiming that former FBI director James Comey would refute Trump’s assertion that Comey had assured the president that he was not under FBI investigation. Comey’s testimony confirmed, rather than refuted, Trump’s account.
CNN reportedly imposed new rules on the company’s Russia coverage in the wake of the botched Scaramucci story.
The network has had an oftentimes adversarial relationship with President Trump, who has called CNN “fake news,” “very fake news” and the “Clinton News Network.” (RELATED: CNN Reporter Complains About Being Blackballed After Spending Press Briefing Interrupting Spicer)
Anti-Trump Leak Campaign Damaging U.S. and Allied Operations
U.S. official: Leaks of classified info by former Obama officials endanger American security operations Getty Images
BY: Adam Kredo Follow @Kredo0 June 26, 2017 2:51 pm
A new wave of leaks targeting the Trump administration has actively endangered ongoing intelligence and military operations being conducted by the United States and its allies, sparking anger and concern inside and outside the White House, according to multiple conversations with senior U.S. officials intimately familiar with the situation.
The classified leaks, which are being handed to sympathetic journalists by former Obama administration officials who left the government and by holdovers still serving in the Trump administration, have damaged a number of ongoing operations, ranging from American efforts to prevent Russian infiltration of the United States to Israeli efforts against ISIS, sources said.
A recent Washington Post story disclosed classified secrets as part of a larger story about Obama administration cyber efforts against Russia. It was published days after a New York Times story, which revealed details of a secret Israeli cyber operation that Trump is said to have leaked to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
The sensitivity of the material being leaked has heightened criticism both of the former Obama officials who are suspected of unveiling these secrets and of the Trump administration for its seeming inability to stem the disclosures, according to these officials.
Supreme Court decision shifts momentum in Trump travel ban case
By Barnini Chakraborty Published June 26, 2017
Fox News
VIDEO: Supreme Court allows partial enforcement of Trump travel ban
After successive rulings by numerous federal courts against President Trump’s controversial travel ban, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday delivered what Trump is touting as a clear victory – allowing most of the policy to be enforced and teeing up a high-stakes court battle for the fall in which the administration may have the upper hand.
Monday’s ruling effectively allows part of Trump’s executive order to go into effect, including a 90-day ban on people entering the United States from six mostly-Muslim countries who “lack any bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States,” such as a spouse, close relative, employer or enrollment in an American university.
It also allows a 120-day ban on all refugees entering the United States to go into effect.
The ruling, though, sets up further litigation in the courts over the coming weeks on just how far the “bona fide” exemptions can go and whether emergency exceptions will be granted.
“I fear that the Court’s remedy will prove unworkable,” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote. “The compromise also will invite a flood of litigation until this case is finally resolved on the merits, as parties and courts struggle to determine what exactly constitutes a ‘bona fide relationship,’ who precisely has a ‘credible claim’ to that relationship, and whether the claimed relationship was formed ‘simply to avoid §2(c)’ of Executive Order No. 13780.”
Reaz Jafri, head of the global immigration practice at Withers Bergman law firm, told Fox News he expects a significant uptick in cases and protests. Jafri advises clients on how to navigate the U.S.’s changes in immigration policies.
“It is still unclear if a national from one of the banned countries will get a visa to visit a family member, participate in a conference, visit schools or come for a job interview,” Jafri said. “Will these be considered bona fide reasons to visit the U.S.? My sense is ‘no’ and the implication is that U.S. businesses, universities and families will be negatively impacted.”
All nine justices agreed in the 13-page decision to take up the case in the fall, setting up a showdown over the legality of the order.
Justices Neil Gorsuch, Samuel Alito Jr. and Thomas wrote a three-page opinion saying they would have allowed Trump’s travel ban to take effect fully, without regard to a foreign national’s connection to the United States. Their dissent could foreshadow a tough road ahead for opponents of the travel ban.
The justices agreed to hear oral arguments on the merits of the executive order – whether the ban is lawful or exceeds the president’s powers - during the Court's next term, which begins in October.
Though Monday’s decision wasn’t the final word on the travel ban, Trump touted it as “a clear victory for our national security.”
“As president, I cannot allow people into our country who want to do us harm,” he said in a written statement. “I want people who can love the United States and all of its citizens, and who will be hardworking and productive.”
Trump has been incensed since his original executive order, signed on Jan. 27, was partially blocked by a federal court.
"What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions can come into U.S.?" Trump tweeted on Feb. 4.
He added on Feb. 11: "Our legal system is broken!"
In early March, Trump issued a revised executive order -- which also had key provisions blocked by federal courts.
Trump has been spoiling for the Supreme Court to take up the case and eager to get it out of the hands of what he sees as more liberal appellate judges.
Four days after signing the original ban, Trump nominated Gorsuch to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated when Antonin Scalia died.
Gorsuch, who has since been confirmed, is largely seen as a conservative, originalist justice in the Scalia mold and could help Trump claim an even more definitive victory after arguments.
Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project, called the travel ban unconstitutional, saying, "Courts have repeatedly blocked this indefensible and discriminatory ban. The Supreme Court now has a chance to permanently strike it down."
WORLD - ASIA - CHINA NEWS Dissident Liu Xiaobo Released From Chinese Prison Following Cancer Diagnosis
He served more than seven years of an 11-year sentence for subversion
By Josh Chin Updated June 26, 2017 5:47 a.m. ET
BEIJING—Chinese Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo has been released from prison early and is receiving treatment in a northeastern Chinese hospital after being diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer, his lawyer said Monday.
Mr. Liu was determined to be in the final stages of liver cancer on May 23, said lawyer Mo Shaoping, citing a conversation with Mr. Liu’s family members.
The dissident was granted medical parole, Mr....