Tuesday, September 10, 2024

US_ Sen. Blackburn to Newsmax: Kamala Harris Is a 'Dangerous Liberal'


Sen. Blackburn to Newsmax: Kamala Harris Is a 'Dangerous Liberal'

By Jim Thomas | Tuesday, 10 September 2024 06:28 PM EDT

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., during an appearance on Newsmax on Tuesday, accused Vice President and Democratic candidate for President Kamala Harris of being a "dangerous liberal" while being disingenuous to the American public about her policy positions.

"Will the real Kamala Harris please stand up and show up?" Blackburn said on "
The Chris Salcedo Show," challenging Harris' consistency on policy positions.

"I think that she was telling the truth when she said her
values had not changed. But she is lying to the American people. She is weak. She is failed. She is dangerously liberal."

Blackburn highlighted several issues she believes Harris has shifted positions, including
fracking, Medicare for All, defunding the police, and abolishing ICE. According to Blackburn, Harris has been inconsistent in her statements but continues to signal to her left-leaning base subtly.

"When she says her values haven't changed, she hasn't changed her opinion on fracking," Blackburn continued. "She probably knows that she can do a wink and a nod over to the left and say, look, the EPA would never let me go back to fracking."


READ MORE: https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/harris-weak-failed/2024/09/10/id/1179835/


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