Wednesday, September 25, 2024

COLUMNS_ Who's the Real Dictator? Trump and the Absurd Accusation of Dictatorship



Who's the Real Dictator? Trump and the Absurd Accusation of Dictatorship

Dinesh D'Souza | Sep 25, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

One persistent theme coming from the Democrats is that Trump, if elected a second time, would become a dictator and end democracy. For eight years, critics have called Trump an autocrat and likened him to the despised autocrats of the twentieth century, from Mussolini to Hitler. This rhetorical extremism is odd: Reagan and Bush were despised by Democrats, but they were not generally portrayed as threats to democracy. Nor have these accusations gone away; if anything, they are more intense now than in 2015 when they first surfaced.

It is one thing to say that Trump will do this, and will do that, if we have not already had Trump in office to see what he did in fact do. Trump’s critics latch on to his phrases like “dictator for a day,” which are quite obviously intended jokingly, or at least half-jokingly, and they say: Aha! He even admits he’s going to be like Hitler. But Hitler proceeded, almost immediately upon his assumption of power in 1933, to institute a widespread regime of repression. Hitler didn’t govern in a normal way for a term, and then somehow metamorphose into a dictator the second time around.

My premise is that actions speak louder than words, and we can make a sound judgement about Trump by considering his conduct from the time he entered politics to the end of his first term in office. Here we’ll see that Trump displayed all the largeness and audacity and even pugnaciousness of a Caesar, but he didn’t do anything tyrannical—indeed by many objective measures he did the country a lot of good.

Let me put it another way. If Trump were a dictator while he was President, then he was the most incompetent dictator in the history of the world. Dictators control the police agencies of government; Trump was relentlessly pursued by them. He didn’t run the agencies; he spent much of time running away from them. Moreover, dictators don’t lose elections because they control them and rig them in their favor. It is conceivable that the Chinese Communists are voted out of power in China? That the mullahs in Iran lose an election? Tyrants ensure they stay in power. They certainly never relinquish power voluntarily; typically, they have to be ousted by force. None of this applies to Trump.




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