Monday, September 23, 2024

COLUMNS_ The Deep State vs. the People


The Deep State vs. the People

Jeff Crouere | Sep 23, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Despite an enormous fundraising advantage, a rigged presidential debate, and overwhelmingly positive media coverage, Vice President Kamala Harris is still in a virtual tie with her challenger, former President Donald Trump.

According to the latest Real Clear Politics average of national polls, Harris leads Trump by only
2.2%. In his last two campaigns, Trump was further behind his Democratic opponents. In 2016, he trailed Hillary Clinton by 2.6%; in 2020, Joe Biden led by 6.6%.

Additionally, Harris has the support of many Hollywood stars, the endorsement of pop superstar Taylor Swift, and just received a televised “love fest” from media icon Oprah Winfrey. Of course, the Vice President is avoiding all reporters who will ask tough questions and has not held any news conferences since her coronation as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

Harris hopes to employ her version of the “Biden basement” strategy until Election Day, while the left-wing media refuses to hold her accountable.

In contrast, Trump continues to hold monster rallies, speaking behind bulletproof glass. The assassination attempts have not deterred him from outdoor events or interacting with his enthusiastic supporters.

Donald Trump is truly the “people’s candidate.” While Kamala Harris and Democrats ludicrously claim that Trump only wants to enrich himself and his billionaire friends, his real interest is in helping average Americans.

His ideas, such as “no tax on tips,” “no tax on overtime,” and “no tax on Social Security,” are designed to help struggling Americans deal with the pain of Biden’s failed economic policies. Despite the recent easing of interest rates and inflation, Americans have endured four years of economic agony. Just to survive, many Americans have been forced to withdraw money from their savings accounts or increase charges on their credit cards.




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