Friday, September 20, 2024

COMMENTARY_ In wacky 2024, Trump is the pragmatic moderate


In wacky 2024, Trump is the pragmatic moderate

There's a reason why the Harris campaign is talking about a "new way" forward

Donald Trump the moderate when compared to Kamala Harris illustration by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times more >


By Tom Basile - Friday, September 20, 2024


President George W. Bush’s Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez recently penned an op-ed in Politico in which he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the nation, despite admitting, “We do not yet know exactly how Harris will govern if she is elected.”

It is utterly nonsensical, if not idiotic, that a person of his stature would endorse someone for president while admitting he doesn’t understand her governing philosophy. Any suggestion that anyone doesn’t know how Ms.
Harris will govern is simply being fundamentally dishonest with the American public.

Even though the Trump campaign has inexplicably been unable to articulate the breadth and depth of Ms.
Harris’ radicalism, she has told the public exactly what she supports and how she will govern. Ms. Harris supports, in part:

* Eliminating private health insurance
* Carbon and Use Taxes
* Speech Codes and Censorship enforced by the Department of Justice
* Critical Race Theory
* The Green New Deal
* Killing Pipelines
* Open Borders and Fast-Track Citizenship for Illegals
* Taxpayer Funding for Trans Surgeries for Kids
* Destroying Women’s Privacy by Allowing Men into Bathrooms and Locker rooms
* Drag Queens in Schools
* Books with Sexual Content in Schools and Libraries
* Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Up to and Beyond Birth
* Reparations for Slavery
* $5 trillion in Tax Increases, Including on Unrealized Gains
* So-called “Free” College
* Massive Increases in Welfare, Including Benefits for Illegal Immigrants
* Soft on Crime District Attorneys
* Lawfare Against Political Opponents
* Trillions in More Spending




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