Sunday, September 22, 2024

US_ Sleepwalking to Armageddon: the US Is Woefully Unprepared for a Major War


Sleepwalking to Armageddon: the US Is Woefully Unprepared for a Major War

By Ward Clark | 5:45 PM on September 22, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Stormy Petrel, the dark harbinger. (Credit: Ward Clark via AI - Night Cafe Creator)

I was the third generation in my family to serve in the Army. My paternal grandfather served during World War 1, although he didn't go Over There. My Dad was a World War 2 veteran. I served in Operation Desert Storm and was recalled for Operation Joint Endeavor, although in that last deployment, I went no farther than Heidelberg, where I was on the staff of the Command Surgeon, US Army, Europe; the greatest threat I faced in that last action was a hangover from all that great German beer.

Before he died, I remember my Dad telling me how proud he was of our three generations of service. He had a framed photo on the wall of Grandpa, himself, and me, all in uniform. He made a point of showing that to visitors.

He also told me how glad he was that I had been spared serving in a third world war. Truthfully I was (and am) pretty content with that as well. But now, today, the world is once more a tense place, perhaps more so than it has been since before the fall of the Soviet Union. I'm too old now - but I have grandsons, one of whom is approaching service age. They (and their sisters) are my hostages to fortune in an increasingly uncertain world. I don't want them to face fighting a third world war. But they may.

General Sir Roly Walker, the head of the British Army, has stated that Britain should prepare for a major war with the CRINKS nations (China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea) in three years - and let's be honest, we know they won't be. Britain is no longer great; they can neither project power nor maintain a full-scale war footing more than a few days before their capacity is exhausted. But the United States may not be in any better shape.

See Related: WATCH: Gen. Keane Weighs In on the Path to World War III, How US Adversaries Treat Trump Vs. Biden

In 2022, a group of non-government officials was tasked by Congress to conduct an independent assessment of the state of the United States armed forces, and our preparedness for a major war. What they found was, frankly, unsettling.



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