Monday, September 30, 2024

COLUMNS_ The Narrative About Bad America First Candidates Is Nonsense


The Narrative About Bad America First Candidates Is Nonsense

Kurt Schlichter | Sep 30, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Matt York

We keep hearing a lot about how America First conservatives, the faction of the Republican Party that took power in the wake of the utter failure of the GOP establishment, keep nominating terrible candidates. Why, we Republicans are wasting gettable seats by choosing people who actually agree with our principles and policies! Not surprisingly, this is the kind of nonsense cope we’ve been hearing from these establishment losers ever since we rejected them for their unbroken track record of failure. It’s the lame rationalization of people who want the power back that we stripped from them because of their gross incompetence, corruption, and condescension. Don’t buy it.

Kari Lake is a great example of this narrative in action. Let’s get real about Kari. I’ve had the chance to get to know her a little bit. She’s terrific. She’s smart, articulate, and if you listen to her on the equally great Megyn Kelly this week – and you should – you’ll see that what she’s supporting is what we want and how she’s expressing it is smooth, rational, and persuasive. She is not the crazy woman the regime media and her jealous GOP critics claim. The image of Kari Lake as some sort of lunatic is a lie. Nothing could be further from the truth. She’s a great communicator – she was a TV journalist in Arizona for years and knows her own state. She’s gotten even better at politics this go-round. Yeah, Kari made mistakes in the past, like everyone else. Her critics often accuse her of being a nut for insisting that the Democrats stole the 2020 Arizona election, though after all that has happened in the last few years, someone who believes we ought to default to believing in the honesty of governmental actions, the integrity of the judicial system, and the good faith of the donkey party is a nut. Regardless, she’s learned from her experience and is running a different campaign this time. The reason her opponents, inside and outside of the GOP, tell you she’s some sort of wacko is so that you don’t listen to her unfiltered, because once you do she’s likely to win you over.




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