Thursday, September 19, 2024

POLITICS_ Trump Vows To Turn ‘Hallowed’ World Trade Center Site Into National Monument During New York Rally



Trump Vows To Turn ‘Hallowed’ World Trade Center Site Into National Monument During New York Rally

(Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)


Mariane Angela
News Reporter
September 18, 2024 10:29 PM ET

Former President Donald Trump pledged Wednesday to designate the World Trade Center Ground Zero site as a national monument during a Uniondale, New York, rally.

During the rally, Trump
addressed and thanked the Local 94 workers—a group of over 5,000 men and women responsible for HVAC and mechanical systems maintenance in NYC buildings—and announced his intention to designate the Ground Zero site as a monument. He elaborated on the importance of this initiative for all the city’s first responders.

“I think this is a big deal, because in your honor, I am announcing tonight that as president, I will officially make the Ground Zero site at the World Trade Center a national monument protected and maintained by the United States government,” Trump said. “So that hallowed ground and the memory of those who perished there will be preserved for all time, preserved forever. And you deserve it.”


Trump also lauded the creators of the 9/11 National Memorial Museum for their exemplary work.

“The New Yorkers who created the 9/11 National Memorial Museum really did an amazing job, didn’t they? And many of them are here today and I want to thank them and I want to ensure that their outstanding work is sustained forever,” he continued. “And that’s what we’ve done by doing this.”
(RELATED: FACT CHECK: Threads Video Falsely Claims Donald Trump Thought He Was In North Carolina During Pennsylvania Rally)




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