Saturday, September 21, 2024

US_ The MSM Will Beat You to Your Knees, and Keep You There, Permanently, If You Let It


The MSM Will Beat You to Your Knees, and Keep You There, Permanently, If You Let It

By Adam Turner | 5:45 PM on September 21, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo

Let’s talk about my friend, Cameron. Cameron isn’t his real name. I call him Cameron, after the character from "Ferris Bueller’s Day Off." You know, this guy. Cameron is a good, conservative Republican. However, he is quite convinced that Donald Trump is DOOMED, DOOMED. And the rest of the GOP? They are DOOMED as well. Why? Because the MSM constantly and relentlessly tells him this is so.

All of us know Republicans like Cameron.

Cameron does not care for my optimism, however grounded in fact it is. As all 10 of my regular readers know, I believe that Donald Trump has the inside track to winning the 2024 election. I believe this, not because I am a constant Republican booster, or a believer that Trump is some sort of a perfect, godlike candidate. Instead, I know this because I understand politics, have both experience and education on the topic, know lots of (sometimes semi-useful) political historical facts, and have been trying to objectively assess Presidential races since 1988.

To sum up my case, first, l look at the RCP average – today, it
has Kamala Harris up 1.9 percentage points. Second, I look at President Joe Biden’s job approval rating – still stuck in the low 40’s. Third, I pay attention to the state of the nation. As I have said, again and again, the economy is bad, especially inflation; the border is open and it has led to increasing crime; and the weakness of the Biden administration in foreign policy has resulted in chaos throughout the world, and has also led to antisemitic rioting in the U.S. None of this is a positive for the sitting vice president’s campaign.

Fourth, I recognize that Kamala Harris, like Donald Trump, is a flawed candidate. She is very left-wing on the issues, and sort of an empty suit. (Her ties to Biden, her left-wing record, and her status as an empty suit are why I suggested the Democrats choose Governor Newsom or another Democrat instead of her.) And we can see that her response to her left-wing record and lack of gravitas has been to (supposedly) repudiate her prior record, and to avoid interviews, where she might be confronted about that record. (This has been noticed by the public.)




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