Monday, September 09, 2024

US_ Internal Audit: Biden Migrant Sponsor Program Plagued by Fraud


Internal Audit: Biden Migrant Sponsor Program Plagued by Fraud

Migrants walk to a van in Lukeville, Arizona, on Dec. 5. (Ross D. Franklin/AP)
The Biden administration's program that allows migrants to enter the U.S. without a legal visa has provided fraudsters with a way to steal Americans' identities, according to an internal audit. [
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By Charlie McCarthy | Monday, 09 September 2024 08:51 AM EDT

The Biden administration's program that allows migrants to enter the U.S. without a legal visa has provided fraudsters with a way to steal Americans' identities, according to an internal audit.

Michael Mayhew, head of the Immigration Records and Identity Services division at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, wrote a 23-page audit about the program, which allows migrants from Ukraine, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to enter the country with the support of a U.S.-based sponsor,
The Washington Times reported.

Mayhew's audit, which apparently was to be shared only among the agency's senior leaders, said the process for approving sponsors was filled with loopholes that made fraud easy to perpetrate and tough to spot.

"Since there is little to no barrier to entry to file … there is a lot of fraud, exploitation, and duplicative filings that have occurred," Mayhew said in the audit, the Times reported.




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