Monday, September 09, 2024

US_ Fraud plagues Biden ‘parole’ program: Michelle Obama’s passport used; dead people named sponsors


Fraud plagues Biden ‘parole’ program: Michelle Obama’s passport used; dead people named sponsors

People, including many Haitians, leave Mexico to cross into the United States for their appointment with officials to seek asylum, Wednesday, March 13, 2024, seen from Tijuana, Mexico. Gang violence wracking Haiti has reverberated among millions who left Haiti for … more >


By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, September 9, 2024

Gang members and scammers using dead people’s names were applying to be sponsors for President Biden’s fraud-riddled immigration “parole” program that has welcomed hundreds of thousands of migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, The Washington Times has learned.

The program was also starved of staffing, leaving it unable to track down all the fraud, according to the government’s internal audit, which said the program was “well-intentioned” but became a means for fraudsters to “victimize” the migrants and steal Americans’ identities.

In one case, someone filed an application using the passport number of former first lady Michelle Obama.

The program allows migrants from Ukraine, Cuba, Haiti,
Nicaragua and Venezuela to enter the U.S. without a legal visa. It requires them to have a U.S.-based sponsor to promise financial support.




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