Sunday, September 01, 2024

TIPSHEET_ Bill Maher: You Have the Right to Say That the Election Was Stolen



Bill Maher: You Have the Right to Say That the Election Was Stolen

Matt Vespa | September 01, 2024 2:00 PM

Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP

Let’s not kid ourselves here: Bill Maher has, more or less, called people who think the 2020 election was stolen are nuts. He’s undoubtedly pressed those who have advocated such a position on his show. The HBO host has repeatedly espoused his most profound worry that Donald Trump would never concede power, all of which has never come to fruition. It’s liberal psychobabble, but it’s also an opinion. And he’s not for censoring that being a free speech supporter. He might not agree with you about the reported funny business during the 2020 election, but he also doesn’t want to see anyone censored for having that view.

The comedian said that claiming the 2020 election as stolen, or any election for that matter, shouldn’t be censored. It’s protected free speech.

Bill Maher believes Americans should have the right to claim the election is stolen:

Bill Maher: "Trump was off Twitter for a long time before Elon put him back on Twitter. It was kind of like keeping Pete Rose out of the Hall of Fame.
Can you say, if you're a Republican, or a…
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