Sunday, September 01, 2024

OPINION_ We Can Send Lawfare Packing on Nov. 5



We Can Send Lawfare Packing on Nov. 5

Special counsel Jack Smith (Getty)

By Josh Hammer
Friday, 30 August 2024 02:58 PM EDT
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Note: The following opinion column does not constitute and endorsement of any political party or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.)

The modern Democratic Party operates like a Mafia family. Like the Mob, Democrats have a specific organizational hierarchy.

There are the grand bosses who sit atop the entire food chain, such as the Obamas and the Clintons. There are the trusted consiglieres, such as Attorney General Merrick Garland and outside super-lawyer Marc Elias.

There are caporegimes, such as Govs. Gavin Newsom and Kathy Hochul. Heck, there was even a yearslong omerta vow of silence surrounding President Joe Biden's obvious physical and mental decline.

And then, as in any organized crime outfit, there are the street-level foot soldiers — the hit men. The role of the foot soldier is to dutifully execute the orders of his principals.

Often, the foot soldier's assigned tasks are less than reputable — intimidation, extortion, racketeering and, yes, knocking off those rivals who pose a viable threat to the family's territory or prestige.

In the year 2024, so-called special counsel Jack Smith — yes, only so-called, as both Justice Clarence Thomas and Judge Aileen Cannon recently concluded — is the foot soldier par excellence for the Democratic Party, and the Democrat-lawfare complex that now serves as the party's tip of the electoral spear.

No one should have been under any preexisting illusions that Smith was a noble lawman dedicated to upholding a neutral rule of law. Smith, after all, charged a former president of the United States with violating the Espionage Act — the controversial World War I-era statute normally reserved for such extreme cases as those of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowden.

After this week, however, the jig is truly up: Smith's naked politicking and electioneering has been exposed for all to see.

But let's first take a step back. Earlier this summer, Smith was rebuked by the courts in at least three distinct ways.




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