Sunday, August 18, 2024

US_ Newt Gingrich: DNC to Be 'Olympic Level Political Gymnastics'


Newt Gingrich: DNC to Be 'Olympic Level Political Gymnastics'

By Eric Mack | Sunday, 18 August 2024 02:49 PM EDT

Moderate American voters will decide this election, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich wants them to watch the Democratic National Convention very closely.

Usually, a Republican might urge moderates to turn away from Democrat activism, but Gingrich is so confident Republicans are on the right side of the issues in this election, he believes Democrats' DNC propaganda machine will expose themselves as "hypocrites" to discerning American voters who do not vote blindly by party.

"The Democratic National Convention in Chicago will be worth every American watching – simply as an exercise in detecting hypocrisy," Gingrich wrote in an editorial Sunday in Fox News.

"You will learn how much more radical they are than anyone you know.




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