Tuesday, August 20, 2024

OPINION_ Yes, they are communists


Yes, they are communists

By Brady Leonard
August 20, 2024 3:39 pm

It might not roll off the tongue like “Crooked Hillary” or “Sleepy Joe,” but as former President Donald Trump tries out a few of his patented nicknames for his newfound opponent, “Comrade Kamala” hits the nail directly on the head.

“Comrade Kamala Harris is terrible for our Country,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “She is a
Communist, has always been a Communist, and will always be a Communist.”

Democrats might not like it, but Vice President Kamala Harris has a record littered with communism, and she is adding fuel to the fire as her presidential campaign takes shape. Harris was the most liberal member of the Senate during her tenure and campaigned to the left of progressive Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) when she ran for president in 2019.


READ MORE: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/3127902/yes-they-are-communists/

With proposals such as snitch lines, bread lines, and praise for the Chinese Communist Party, Harris and Walz have more than earned the communist label. The Trump campaign and Republicans should remind voters of the death and destruction that follows authoritarians like Harris and Walz wherever and whenever they have taken power over the last century. Today’s Democrats are led by dangerous aspiring tyrants, and we should be calling them out for what they are.


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