Thursday, August 22, 2024

US_ Kamala Harris Can't Avoid the Media Forever


Kamala Harris Can't Avoid the Media Forever

By Ward Clark | 4:31 PM on August 22, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

The American legacy media is, let's be honest, doing everything they can to prop up Kamala Harris. That's nothing new; they did it for Joe Biden in 2020, and they did it for Her Imperial Majesty Hillary I, Dowager-Empress of Chappaqua, in 2016. They did it for Barack Obama twice. There is no pretense of objectivity. 'Twas ever thus; back in the days of the big three broadcast networks, those networks were also unashamedly Democratic.

Even back in those pre-Internet days, I had one goofball defend the leftist slant in the network news by claiming "reality leans left," which is pure corral litter

Nowadays, of course, there are alternatives. You're reading one of them. That has changed the news business so that there is no political candidate who can be assured they won't ever face a hostile - or even uncomfortable - question. One of the results of this is that Kamala Harris, in the month since the Democratic Party tossed old Joe Biden under the bus, has not taken even one unscripted question from any media member, anywhere.

She can't keep
doing that forever - or can she? The editors of the Free Press write in a new editorial:

But with all the kumbaya—despite fears of a 1968 reprise, the Dems have put on a mostly drama-free show in Chicago—Harris has avoided saying a single substantive thing, either about her record as vice president or the kind of policies she hopes to enact if she is elected. Her speeches have been heavy on the rhetoric and light on the substance. Most notable of all is that she has yet to give either a press conference or an interview—not even for a hagiographic profile in Time magazine.

What is Kamala Harris afraid of?

She's afraid - and her handlers are afraid - of having to answer an unscripted question. The Free Press has some speculation as to why that might be.




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