Monday, August 26, 2024

COLUMNS_ Democrats Have Fired Their Best Shots, And Trump Is Still Standing



Democrats Have Fired Their Best Shots, And Trump Is Still Standing

Scott Morefield | Aug 26, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

After Democrats did their job of burying Weekend at Bernie’s and the media did its job of memory-holing Trump’s heroic response to the assassination attempt against him, one would have been completely reasonable to have expected clear sailing ahead for the system’s newly chosen candidate, Kamala Harris. What was then largely considered a great GOP convention had effectively been rendered moot, not just ancient history, but totally irrelevant ancient history and Republicans still had to face the barrage of Harris’ honeymoon period, a running mate selection, and the bad guys batting at the bottom of the inning with a Democratic convention and the inevitable fawning media coverage taking place a mere two months before the election.

To their credit, Donald Trump and his team knew they would take some incoming fire and that there wasn’t much they could do then about the Harris polling bounce that would inevitably occur because of it. That’s just the nature of politics. The party in power gets to have their convention last, and replacing a walking corpse with someone with a pulse is obviously going to have its merits. To their detriment, Trump and his team should have known or at least strongly suspected that they would never face Biden in general, and the messaging, especially during the GOP convention, should have reflected that. It was also a strategic mistake to agree to debate Biden so far from the election. Sure, it was easy pickings, but it also gave Democrats the political cover they needed to finally rid themselves of their albatross.

So I guess it’s over, right? Time to prepare ourselves for President Mamala and the inevitable next step towards being forced to live in the leftist hellscape they’re hellbent on creating? I’ll answer that question by quoting the great Lee Corso: “Not so fast!” We may not be in the best position, but the good news is like a bloodied boxer who has taken a few punches yet isn’t finished yet, we’re still standing, and now it’s time for our side to launch a few of our own haymakers. At this point in an election cycle like this, that’s the best we can ask for.




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