Thursday, August 22, 2024

COLUMNS_ Reagan Didn’t Defeat the Commies for Us to Hand Our Country Over to Them Now



Reagan Didn’t Defeat the Commies for Us to Hand Our Country Over to Them Now

Spencer Brown | Aug 22, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Barry Thumma

When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the Soviet Union formally collapsed in 1991, these world-shaping events were not the consequence of luck or some inevitable outcome. It was the result of strong, principled leadership from free world heroes — President Ronald Reagan along with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II — who orchestrated the demise of the USSR, set the global push for communism back generations, and brought liberalized democracy to millions. It wasn’t an easy feat, either. Bullets and bombs nearly took out these three leaders before their strategy to trounce communism could be developed and deployed.

Here’s the deal: Reagan didn’t defeat Soviet communists and their fatally flawed policies just so Americans could willingly hand the country over to them some 40 years later. Yet that’s exactly what Kamala Harris is asking Americans to do with their votes this November.

The story of Reagan’s triumph over communists and against the then-conventional political wisdom — and even concerns of his own advisors — is masterfully laid out in the movie “Reagan,” starring Dennis Quaid as the “great communicator,” coming to theaters at the end of August.




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