Sunday, August 25, 2024

COLUMNS_ A Call for Accountability: Government Lost Track of 32,000 Migrant Children, IG Report Finds



A Call for Accountability: Government Lost Track of 32,000 Migrant Children, IG Report Finds

Jason Piccolo | Aug 25, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Julio Cortez

This week, a damning report from the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General has sent shockwaves through our nation's conscience. The report exposes a shocking failure in the government's handling of Unaccompanied Migrant Children (UCs). Between 2019 and 2023, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) transferred over 448,000 unaccompanied children to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Yet, alarmingly, the government has lost track of thousands of these vulnerable young lives after their release from HHS custody, potentially exposing them to trafficking and exploitation.

The numbers revealed in this week's report are staggering. More than 32,000 UCs failed to appear for their immigration court hearings in the past five years. Even more concerning, as of May 2024, ICE had not served Notices to Appear on more than 291,000 UCs, leaving them in legal limbo without an immigration court date. This bureaucratic negligence is not just a matter of paperwork—it's a human rights crisis. These children are now at risk of falling through the cracks of our system and into the hands of those who would exploit them.

The government's failure, as laid bare in this recent report, is multifaceted and systemic. ICE lacks an automated process for sharing information internally or with other agencies about UCs who miss court appearances. There's no formal policy for following up on UCs who don't appear in court, and oversight of UCs after their release from HHS custody is insufficient. Additionally, ICE faces resource constraints that hinder its ability to track and protect these children effectively.

The consequences of this systemic failure are dire. According to ICE officials cited in the report, UCs who don't appear in court are at higher risk for trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor. By not issuing Notices to Appear to all UCs, ICE limits its chances of maintaining contact with these children, reducing opportunities to verify their safety. It's a vicious cycle that exposes some of our society's most vulnerable members to unthinkable dangers.




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