Monday, August 26, 2024

DEFENSE_ Dems’ Massive Green Energy Agenda Is Walking America Right Into China’s Hands, Analysis Claims


Dems’ Massive Green Energy Agenda Is Walking America Right Into China’s Hands, Analysis Claims

(Photo by Pedro Pardo/AFP via Getty Images)


Nick Pope
August 26, 2024 1:00 PM ET

Democrats’ sprawling green energy agenda is making the U.S. reliant on raw materials that China dominates, putting the U.S. at a tactical and economic disadvantage, according to a report published Thursday by the Heritage Foundation.

The Biden-Harris administration has spent huge amounts of taxpayer money and
regulated aggressively to transition the U.S. away from fossil fuels and instead adopt green energy as the primary power source for the economy, a strategy that plays to China’s advantage given its dominant position in the supply chains for raw minerals and materials needed to produce wind turbines, solar panels and electric vehicles (EV), the Heritage Foundation report states. The report advises policymakers to harness America’s vast domestic mineral and fossil fuel reserves to keep energy costs down at home and supply cheap energy for American allies while promptly adjusting course away from growing dependence on China.




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