Thursday, August 22, 2024

OPINION_ ROLLINS: Don’t Fall For The Fake Harris Hype. Conservatives Have A Clear Path To Victory



ROLLINS: Don’t Fall For The Fake Harris Hype. Conservatives Have A Clear Path To Victory

(Photo by MAHKA ESLAMI/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images)

Brooke Rollins
President and CEO, America First Policy Institute
August 22, 2024 10:28 AM ET

As the Democratic National Convention coronates a nominee unchosen by a single one of the party’s voters, friends on the right need to keep in mind one admonition: Don’t panic. The plain reality is that conservatives still have the advantage heading toward November, and the data and polling out this week all point toward that victory.

This may seem counterintuitive or even irrational at this very moment — and it may seem more so next week, when the usual post-convention bounce numbers come in for the Harris ticket. Those numbers are not irrelevant — especially as the DNC ends, and that bounce happens, just as early and mail-in balloting begins in various states — but we need to keep in mind that they are transient and do not override fundamentals. Those fundamentals remain essentially unchanged since the coerced departure of Joe Biden from the race, and they are unlikely to change by Nov. 5th.

Among those fundamentals is the simple fact that a supermajority of Americans feels the country is on the wrong track. As of this writing, the RealClearPolitics average shows that nearly two out of three Americans believe it. In the Biden-Harris regime, these numbers dropped significantly with the Afghanistan defeat in summer 2021 and never really recovered. It’s true that this datum has mostly been in negative territory for more than a decade, but incumbencies that prevail are able to generate upward movement in those numbers. The leftist regime did it in 2012, incepting a near-twenty-point ascent in right-track sentiment across the year prior to the Obama reelection, and managing only a ten-point rise prior to the 2016 Clinton defeat. In this light, the static numbers are properly worrying for the Harris campaign, as the runway for mass shifts in voter sentiment is effectively gone.




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