Sunday, August 25, 2024

US_ Donald Trump Asks a Question We All Need Answered: 'Who's in Charge' of WH As Chaos Rises in Middle East


Donald Trump Asks a Question We All Need Answered: 'Who's in Charge' of WH As Chaos Rises in Middle East

By Ward Clark | 3:59 PM on August 25, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

It's something of an understatement to say that the Middle East is a real mess these days. Granted, this has always been a contentious part of the world, and after having spent some time in the area while on the General Schwarzkopf Traveling Road Show's "Highway of Death" tour, I can see why these people are fighting all the time; it's because they have to live there. Big parts of the Middle East are surely no less barren than the surface of the moon.

But the Middle East also has a wealth of one major strategic resource - oil. So when things in the Middle East start going sideways, as they seem to be doing right now, a lot of eyes turn towards the United States. All this has prompted former President (and current Republican presidential nominee) Donald Trump to ask one very good question: Who the heck is
in charge of American diplomacy in this region?

He’s right! Let’s not have WWIII. Deal?

— Buzz Patterson (@BuzzPatterson) August 25, 2024

If you can't see the Trump X post, it reads:

Who is negotiating for us in the Middle East? Bombs are dropping all over the place! Sleepy Joe is sleeping on a Beach in California, viciously Exiled by the Democrats, and Comrade Kamala is doing a campaign bus tour with Tampon Tim, her really bad V.P. Pick. Let's not have World War III, because that's where we're heading!

That's a very good question.




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