Monday, August 26, 2024

US_ Sen Johnson: FBI 'Dragging Feet' on Trump Assassination Probe


Sen Johnson: FBI 'Dragging Feet' on Trump Assassination Probe

By Brian Freeman | Sunday, 25 August 2024 06:56 PM EDT

The Secret Service and FBI are "basically dragging their feet" on the Senate bipartisan probe into the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, Sen. Ron Johnson told Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures."

The Wisconsin Republican, who is part of the bipartisan investigation, said the agencies are "stonewalling us."

"We have gotten some transcribed interviews, but the documents we request are heavily redacted [and] they're delivered the day of the interview," he said, explaining that this means that they can't really even "be used to conduct the interviews effectively."

The senator emphasized that "we're not getting squat, from my standpoint, from the Secret Service or the FBI. We have requested all their 302s, their transcriptions of their interviews with hundreds of individuals. They're not turning those over to us as well."

Johnson said that the Secret Service and FBI "hold themselves above the law. They don't really think that they're responsible to be coming under scrutiny by Congress or the American public. And so this is how they behave."




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