Monday, August 19, 2024

US_ Grover Norquist to Newsmax: Harris' Economic Plans a 'Sick Joke'


Grover Norquist to Newsmax: Harris' Economic Plans a 'Sick Joke'

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Sunday, 18 August 2024 02:36 PM EDT

Vice President Kamala Harris' plans to put prices under government control won't do anything to solve the issues that face the nation's economy, Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, told Newsmax on Sunday.

"The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN are all discussing what a joke this is as policy," Norquist said on Newsmax's
"Sunday Report." "It's a sick joke. She created this inflation, the higher prices Americans are suffering from. She created them, not Biden."

Norquist pointed out that Harris cast the deciding vote in the Senate to pass two major spending bills, including the one that "was supposed to fix inflation by spending more money."

"Biden just signed the bill," he said. "She made it happen. She is responsible for these higher prices."

Inflation happens when the government spends too much and "prints" money," said Norquist.

"She's trying to blame small business grocery stores for her disaster," he added. "That's sick."

Harris' plans to bring down grocery prices are also a "declaration of war" on the nation's farms and farmers," said Norquist.




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