Wednesday, September 18, 2024

US_ Sen. Blackburn to Newsmax: Dems' Rhetoric on Trump Inexcusable


Sen. Blackburn to Newsmax: Dems' Rhetoric on Trump Inexcusable

By Solange Reyner | Wednesday, 18 September 2024 03:56 PM EDT

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's insistence Tuesday that it's appropriate to call former President Donald Trump a "threat" to democracy because of his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol is "inexcusable," said Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.

Blackburn said it's even worse after two assassination attempts against Trump this summer, the latest coming Sunday in Florida.

"I think that there are a couple of things that need to happen in fast order. And Monday I sent a letter over to the Secret Service," Blackburn said Wednesday on
Newsmax's "American Agenda."

"It is time for them to provide President Trump everything that he needs. And as we heard from the sheriff in the press conference there in Florida, there is a big difference in the security that the president was provided as president and what he is being allowed now.

"So, first of all, let's make certain that President Trump, Vice President [Kamala] Harris, President [Joe] Biden are going to be safe. That is important. And then let's make certain that we stop this rhetoric where you demonize your political opponent. We should have campaigns of ideas. We should not have this rhetoric of, 'He's a threat to democracy. He's going to be a dictator. He's going to end this world as we know it.' That is something that is absurd and ridiculous.

"I think the left knows that. But it's easy to say. So, they continue to push this kind of rhetoric forward. And I thought it was completely inexcusable for the White House press secretary to stand behind that podium yesterday and double down on the 'threat to democracy.'"




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