Monday, September 02, 2024

US_ Independent Candidate Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race


Independent Candidate Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

Sarah Arnold | September 01, 2024 5:00 PM

Saul Loeb/Pool Photo via AP

Independent far-left presidential candidate Cornel West revealed a shocking admission about how far the Democratic Party will go to win the 2024 election

 During an interview on the Status Coup News podcast, West claimed that the Harris campaign offered him a deal that resulted in him dropping out of the race. He said they bribed him by offering him a cushy job in Harris’ administration should she be elected and a promise to pay off his campaign debts.

West has been met with opposition to his candidacy by the Democratic Party as polls show that in swing states where his name appears on the ballot, he takes votes away from Harris, making it an advantage for former President Donald Trump.

“A number of [Harris campaign staffers] reached out just saying I need to get on the bandwagon — this is a historic moment, especially a black moment,” West recalled. “I told them; I said you all just talking to the wrong brother. You can offer resources or positions or what have you — that’s not what I’m all about. That’s not the game I play.”

Host and independent journalist Jordan Chariton grilled West a little harder on the issue, asking him if the Harris campaign offered him a cabinet or lower position.

“Well, they offered serious, substantive conversation about all of those that could lead toward some real…” West said before moving on to the next topic.

Cornel West CONFIRMED that Kamala Harris and the DNC tried to bribe him with money and a job in the administration if he dropped out and endorsed Kamala

Why isn't this national news right now?

This is beyond election interference...
— George (@BehizyTweets) August 28, 2024




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