Sunday, September 08, 2024

US_ Donald Trump Will Create 'Government Efficiency Commission,' Appoint Elon Musk to Lead


Donald Trump Will Create 'Government Efficiency Commission,' Appoint Elon Musk to Lead

By Ward Clark | 3:43 PM on September 08, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, Pool

If there is one thing in the American political picture today that is as obvious as a diamond on a manure pile, it's the fact that the federal government is out of control. It has grown far beyond its original, constitutionally mandated boundaries into an imperial colossus, dominating the land, sucking away the taxpayers' wealth, running up literal mountains of debt, and intruding into almost every aspect of our daily lives.

Former President (and current GOP presidential candidate) Donald Trump is making noises about doing something to make government, if not smaller, at least more efficient, and he has some interesting ideas as to who to put in charge of cleaning out those Augean Stables -
Elon Musk.




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