Thursday, September 12, 2024

TIPSHEET_ Did Someone Leak the Debate Questions to Kamala Harris?



Did Someone Leak the Debate Questions to Kamala Harris?

Matt Vespa | September 12, 2024 6:50 AM

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

It's a fair question. Why? Because it’s happened before. It’s not some tin foil hat, pie-in-the-sky conspiracy theory: Democrats hired by major news networks have fed debate questions to their party’s presidential nominees. While many analyses and polls are being discussed about the ABC News debate on Tuesday, what about the possibility that Harris got the questions in advance?

To tee this up, let’s not forget that Donna Brazile
gave the Clinton campaign the questions before the CNN debate:

Former Democratic National Committee interim chair Donna Brazile acknowledged sending town hall topics to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, calling it a “mistake I will forever regret.”

Brazile wrote in an essay for Time magazine that she shared potential topics for a CNN town hall with the Clinton campaign in her role as a Democratic operative and the DNC vice chair.

“My job was to make all our Democratic candidates look good, and I worked closely with both campaigns to make that happen,” she wrote. “But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret.”

WikiLeaks posted emails from Brazile to the Clinton campaign that tipped it off that a woman from Flint, Michigan, would ask Clinton about the situation there for a town hall.

Brazile also told the campaign that Clinton would be asked about the death penalty at a separate town hall.

CNN dropped Brazile as a contributor after the revelations. When the email alerting the Clinton campaign about the death penalty question was released, Brazile suggested the documents were “misinformation.”




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