Sunday, September 15, 2024

OPINION_ ABC's Debate 'Fact Checking' Was Criminal



ABC's Debate 'Fact Checking' Was Criminal

(Pawel Talajkowski/

By Michael Reagan with Michael R. Shannon
Saturday, 14 September 2024 06:00 AM EDT
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(Editor’s Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement for any political party, or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.)

ABC's Debate 'Fact Checking' Much More Than Misinforming Viewers

In the interest of accuracy, we'd like to propose that in the future when an outlet of the regime media conducts a presidential debate the "fact checkers" be renamed "false checkers."

That’s because, as was evident in the Trump/Harris debate on Sept. 10, the fact checks all proved to be false.

Let’s take the oleaginous David Muir.

His false check on former President Trump's assertion that "crime is through the roof," was downright condescending.

Muir interrupted, claiming, "President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country."

That statement reflects the worst sort of cherry picking.

Make no mistake, it was done in the interest of supporting Harris and undermining Trump.

In fact, the FBI statistics are barely a half-truth.





Rape was essentially unchanged under Trump.

It jumped 42% under Biden/Harris.

Trump was and is right. Crime is through the roof.

The numbers prove Muir and Harris may be polished, they may be smooth, but they're both complicit in outright misleading the American people, which is in and of itself, criminal



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