Tuesday, September 17, 2024

COLUMNS_ The US Constitution Is the Last Bulwark Against Global Tyranny



The US Constitution Is the Last Bulwark Against Global Tyranny

Scott Powell | Sep 17, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

W.L. Ormsby/Library of Congress via AP

Today, September 17 is Constitution Day, and while national observance holidays often go unnoticed, it may well be our most important holiday. All our pressing national problems today are a result of corruption and departure from governance and law enforcement consistent with the Constitution. As a result, our country is threatened more now than at any time since the Civil War.

As background let’s take a stroll back in time. The War of Independence lasted five long years from 1776 to 1781, with the undertrained, underfunded, and underequipped Continental army losing more battles than they won. It was a miracle that the disadvantaged American militia could defeat Great Britain—then the most formidable military power in the world.

The second miracle in forming the United States was the drafting of the Constitution some six years after the Revolutionary War was over. By contemporary standards, it is inconceivable how delegates from thirteen extraordinarily disparate states could muster the forbearance and magnanimity to agree on the terms of a new Constitution. Elder delegate Ben Franklin called the Constitutional Convention delegates to prayer at an early intractable impasse, which brought about a lasting spirit of reconciliation that prevailed through the next three months of deliberations in the blistering heat of summer—culminating in the delegates’ almost unanimous vote of agreement on September 17, 1787.

As good as that Constitution was, it had to be ratified by the states to become the law of the land. Several states withheld support out of fear the Constitution did not protect citizens and states from the inevitable overreach and corruption of federal government power. The influential and large hold-out states—Virginia, New York, and Massachusetts—finally agreed to ratify the Constitution on the condition that ten amendments called the Bill of Rights would be incorporated into the final Constitution. This bill of rights would define and protect both the people’s natural and unalienable rights and also states’ rights against abuse from the federal government.


READ MORE: https://townhall.com/columnists/scottpowell/2024/09/17/the-us-constitution-is-the-last-bulwark-against-global-tyranny-n2644880


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