Wednesday, September 11, 2024

COLUMNS_ Trump Won the Debate


Trump Won the Debate

Garrett Ventry | Sep 11, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The highly anticipated presidential debate took place last night on ABC News. The significance can not be understated, it was the first time former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris met in person. Perhaps, it also might be the last presidential debate that Americans see before the general election in November. New NPR polling shows that 3-in-10 voters claimed that the debate would help them decide their vote. Trump rose to the moment and won the debate.

For the last few years, voters have
ranked the economy and immigration as their key issues for the 2024 election. Former President Trump clearly articulated his accomplishments during his first term, and his plans for a second term on the economy and border security. Trump talked about how during his first term he cut taxes, grew the economy, negotiated better trade deals, slapped tariffs on China for unfair trade practices, and ensured that inflation was not an issue for Americans. Elections ultimately come down to contrasts, were you better off than you were four years ago? Voters answer that question with a clear no. On top of that, they blamed Vice President Harris for many of President Joe Biden’s failures on the economy, higher prices, and immigration woes. Under the Biden-Harris administration, prices are higher, mortgage rates are higher, and the border is less secure. Trump tied Harris to the failures of the Biden-Harris administration on inflation and the border.

Harris raised the bar for the debate, simply because she has avoided doing interviews and press conferences in her almost two months since taking over the top spot on the Democratic ticket. She has taken previously unpopular progressive positions on
cashless bail, funding the bail of looters and rioters, banning fracking, abolishing Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE), and supporting taxpayer funded gender transitions for migrants. These were not positions she held as a young girl, or in college. But rather, they were positions she held a few years ago when she was a sitting senator and candidate for president in 2020. In fact, she was ranked the most liberal Senator, left of even Bernie Sanders. Harris did not provide any compelling answer for her flip flops on these key issues, especially fracking, given how important the industry is for Pennsylvania where the debate took place. What would cause Harris to shift on all of these deeply progressive positions? They are unpopular with voters and do not poll well. Simply put: politics.


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Elections ultimately come down to contrasts, were you better off than you were four years ago? Voters answer that question with a clear no. On top of that, they blamed Vice President Harris for many of President Joe Biden’s failures on the economy, higher prices, and immigration woes. Under the Biden-Harris administration, prices are higher, mortgage rates are higher, and the border is less secure. Trump tied Harris to the failures of the Biden-Harris administration on inflation and the border.


One of Trump’s strongest attacks on Harris was his closing statement. Trump smartly pointed out that Harris has been VP for 3.5 years, so when she is talking about all of the things she wants to accomplish on the border and economy, why has she not done so already? Voters will certainly ask this when they go to the polls in November.



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