Monday, September 16, 2024

COLUMNS_ Selective Justice and the Trump Assassination Attempt: Garland’s DOJ in Crisis



Selective Justice and the Trump Assassination Attempt: Garland’s DOJ in Crisis

John Nantz | Sep 17, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

Last Thursday Attorney General (AG) Merrick Garland delivered an address to the workforce titled “An Independent Justice Department.” The speech drew howls of derision from the right, and for good reason.

In a completely unaware manner, Garland stated emphatically that his Department of Justice (DOJ) operates based on norms that “treat like cases alike.” He pronounced “there is not one rule for friends and another for foes…one rule for Democrats and another for Republicans…” All of red state America waited for the laugh track to queue, but it never did. Garland made these shocking statements with complete conviction. The degree of self-deception or outright arrogance is breathtaking in this bureaucratic screed.

During the summer of 2020, Black Lives Matter mobs and ANTIFA thugs ravaged cities and towns all across the country. Both BLM and ANTIFA are political action arms of the Democrat party. During that summer, I was still employed as an FBI agent, and witnessed the destruction both groups perpetrated in our nation’s capital firsthand. Across the country, billions of dollars in damages were sustained because of the rioting and lawlessness. Lives were lost during the broad sweep of anarchy endorsed by every major Democrat leader. Democrats loudly attacked the efforts of law enforcement when they attempted to restore order and save lives. Federal buildings were attacked, “autonomous zones” were established wherein women were raped by savages. Democrats presided over the mayhem gleefully. We all remember.

At no point during this nationwide campaign of domestic terrorism did the FBI or DOJ ever mobilize on a national scale. At the Washington field office, investigative priorities weren’t abandoned, nor were new squads created to handle increased investigative efforts designed to thwart the terroristic behavior of the Democrat sponsored goon squads dressed in black. It was, for the most part, business as usual at the FBI and DOJ




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