How Many Times Are We Going to Let the FBI and DOJ Break the Law?
By Scott Hounsell | Nov 17, 2021 8:45 PM ET
It seems I can’t keep up with the latest DOJ or FBI scandal as of late. In the last two weeks, I have penned two pieces at RedState voicing my displeasure with their continued political targeting and questionable tactics.
While some missed my sarcasm regarding the “J. Edgar glory days,” the problems at the FBI and DOJ, along with other federal law enforcement organizations (I’m looking at you, ATF), are nothing new. While this author is going to stop far short of suggesting that the likes of McVeigh and Nichols had any justification whatsoever to do what they did, one can certainly step back and look at the actions taken at Ruby Ridge and Waco and question whether or not any government should have the power to take that sort of action against their own citizens.
One can still be as disgusted by the action of domestic terrorists with a Ryder truck as we are by domestic terrorists with blue jackets with bold yellow lettering. Look at what the FBI did to Richard Jewell, in the wake of the Centennial Park Bombing, despite having zero evidence of any wrongdoing. In fact, the entirety of what linked Jewell to the bombing was geographic proximity and a single FBI profiler’s opinion. That’s it.