Exposing the profanity of the Democratic Party
By R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. - - Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Whew, I got my column accepted last week at the Washington Times with no intrusion from the censors. In fact, with no censors! At the Good Times—which you now hold in your hands—there are no censors at work. I used to write this column weekly for the Washington Post, and it could be a harrowing experience. Every week I had to be certain that I had crossed no barriers with the potentates that be. Certain things could not be said. One editor told me that readers around the world thought that the Washington Post was the official voice of our government, and the Post had to be careful. Careful of what, I asked. Could my occasional intemperance lead to war? I doubt it, but these were the kinds of fears that the potentates at the Post lived with. Possibly they still live with them.
I wrote without mishap most of the time, but suddenly, out of the blue, the Post’s censor would strike. I remember one summer, years ago when the Olympics were underway. The Russians and the East Germans were accused of drugging their athletes so that the women were amazons and the men were almost supernatural. As luck would have it, I was writing my column with a former Olympian at my side. We both were indignant about the Communists’ thwarting the Olympic protocols against performance-enhancing drugs. I referred in my column to the drugged-up athletes as the “Soviets’ stallions and geldings.” The column appeared a day or two later, and the “Soviets’ stallions and geldings” had been changed to the “Soviets’ athletes.” Well, at least the censor did not cut the column completely.
READ MORE: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/nov/30/exposing-the-profanity-of-the-democratic-party/
... . They used not only the F—k word but practically every other foul word in the book. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand was the most flagrant, using almost a dozen such words in one presentation. Yet there were other foul-mouthed would-be presidents. The women were especially egregious. The wife of Vice President Joe Biden told candidate Kamala Harris to “Go F—k yourself,” and another woman, a congresswoman, was the most extreme. She used a word that she shared with her son. It was mother-something or other.