Townhall - Columnists - Dinesh D'Souza
The New Confederacy
Dinesh D'Souza | Posted: Nov 24, 2021 4:25 PM
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Let's talk about the neo-Confederates of today, the party of the Confederacy. For a lot of leftists, that's the Republican Party because they believe there was a big switch, and the Republican Party is now the party of the Confederacy. But this is not true. The Republican Party, in fact, remains anchored to its Lincoln tradition, while the Democrats remain the party of racism.
There's a very interesting article in American Greatness by Victor Davis Hanson talking about the strange way in which the progressive North, specifically the cities in the North, has become like the Old South. Let's think for a moment about the Old South. It was a racially obsessed society, not merely in the line between white and black and the idea that the blacks were inferior and deserved to be slaves, but in the very strange way that the poor whites in the South were themselves — even though they had no direct stake in slavery — taught largely by the Democrats a kind of racial ideology. One that said you might be a poor farmer, you may not have much money, but you're superior to all the blacks in the region. You have a higher position on the totem pole due to race. Race became the determining factor in the Old South.