Tragedy in Waukesha should remind us of the most important things in our lives
By Scott Walker - - Thursday, November 25, 2021
“You need to call your mother,” my wife Tonette said to me, “Something happened at the Waukesha Christmas Parade.” I quickly looked online and saw that a red sports utility vehicle (SUV) had plowed through the streets of downtown Waukesha during the annual event.
My mother loves to watch the Christmas Parade as it is in her neighborhood, and she loves parades. I swear that my mom and dad went to nearly every parade I’ve been in — from my time as a Cub Scout to the high band and the football team to campaigns for State Assembly, County Executive, and Governor. They are parade groupies.
When I spoke with her on Sunday, she explained that she watched the parade and this red vehicle came racing by her seat. She was upset as she thought that the driver could hit someone along the parade route. As it was cold, she was already starting to head home.
Soon after her departure, people came running past her. They were screaming about what took place a few blocks away from where she sat to watch the parade. She said it reminded her of the images of people running away from the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001.