Time to end trial by media
Trials were never intended to be made-for-TV events
By Tom Basile - - Friday, November 26, 2021
Our Constitutional crises in America are many and garner great debate. There’s the explosion of executive power in the federal government, the abandonment of states rights, the erosion of religious liberties and assaults on second amendment rights, among others.
Perhaps no other, however, is more ignored than how our ravenous digital society is diminishing the rights of the accused.
We seldom have the foresight to think about how new technologies could be abused to the detriment of Constitutional freedoms. The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is the latest example of the kind of ‘trial by media’ that cuts against fair administration of justice. In our digital society, those concerns should not stop at the courtroom doors.
READ MORE: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/nov/26/time-to-end-trial-by-media/