Rep. Steil to Newsmax: 'Build Back Better' Bill Must Die in the Senate
(Newsmax/"National Report")
By Sandy Fitzgerald | Monday, 22 November 2021 12:36 PM
The $1.75 trillion spending bill approved by the House last week is a "disaster waiting to happen," so Republicans must make the American people aware of how bad it is so it can be killed in the Senate, Rep. Bryan Steil said Monday on Newsmax.
"This spending bill is an absolute disaster for the American people," the Wisconsin Republican said on Newsmax's "National Report." "It is a massive expansion of the welfare state that the Democrats want to see. Hopefully, we can kill this bill yet."
Many in the public don't understand what is in the bill, said Steil, "so we need to get the American people to understand how big it is. It's going to be trillions of dollars more than the Democrats claim. Who's going to pay for it?"