Sunday, June 16, 2024

US_ Write This Down! Trump Promotes 'No Tax on Tips' Plan, Advises Jotting the Message on Receipts


Write This Down! Trump Promotes 'No Tax on Tips' Plan, Advises Jotting the Message on Receipts

By Ward Clark | 4:53 PM on June 16, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

One of the things about living in a small community is that everyone knows what everyone else is doing and what they are up to at any given time. There are always a few key people who have their thumb on the pulse of the community and are always the go-to person to get all the local gossip and chit-chat. But in general, small-town and rural community people know most of who is around and what's going on. Mind you, there are ups and downs to this; you want to mind what you say behind people's backs because, as the saying goes, bad gas travels fast in a small town.

The other part is that most of us know what everyone else does for a living. Since I do, well,
this, I've become kind of a local oracle for political questions, and it's not unusual to bump into someone at the post office or the gas station and have them ask, "Hey, Ward, what do you think of this here?" Granted, since our part of the Valley is deep red Trump country, my answers are usually well received.

Yesterday it was during our weekly lunch at a lodge up the highway that one of the servers asked me what I thought of the "no tax on tips" idea. Of course, as I replied, I think it's always a good idea to drop or eliminate taxes at every opportunity.

It seems former President Trump agrees, and he's pushing supporters to write
"No tax on tips" on every bar and restaurant receipt.

Former President Trump on Friday encouraged his voters to write on restaurant receipts to spread the word of his proposal to eliminate taxes on tips.

Trump made the remarks at an event celebrating his 78th birthday in West Palm Beach with members of Club 47.

The former president told the crowd that as part of his plan for further tax cuts, he would eliminate taxes on tips for "restaurant workers, hospitality workers and anyone else that gets tips."

Now this is a heck of a good idea - not just eliminating the tax, but having supporters write it on receipts. It's an interesting marketing and sales move - and whatever else Trump is, he's a pretty good salesman.




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