Friday, June 21, 2024

US_ Rep. Comer to Newsmax: SEC Latest Deep State Agency to Protect Bidens


Rep. Comer to Newsmax: SEC Latest Deep State Agency to Protect Bidens

By Michael Katz | Wednesday, 19 June 2024 10:12 PM EDT

The Securities and Exchange Commission allegedly avoided charging Hunter Biden as part of a scheme to defraud a Native American tribe because his father, Joe Biden, was vice president at the time, and that's more evidence of how far the deep state has gone to protect the Bidens, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., told Newsmax on Wednesday.

In March 2016, the SEC subpoenaed Hunter Biden and Rosemont Seneca Bohai, a business entity with ties to associates Devon Archer and Jason Galanis, during its investigation into a tribal pension bond-issuance scheme that resulted in criminal convictions and prison sentences for Archer and Galanis but left Hunter Biden unscathed.

Comer, chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Responsibility, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, chair of the Judiciary Committee — who are leading the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden — wrote a
letter Tuesday to the SEC seeking information about the investigation.

The letter contained an April 2016 response to the SEC subpoena from Hunter Biden's counsel that requested the agency treat the matter "with the highest degree of confidentiality" because the "confidential nature of this investigation is very important to our client and it would be unfair, not just to our client, but also to his father, the vice president of the United States, if his involvement in an SEC investigation and parallel criminal probe were to become the subject of any media attention."




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