Sunday, June 23, 2024

COLUMNS_ These Three Ideas Will Win 2024



These Three Ideas Will Win 2024

Kevin McCullough | Jun 23, 2024

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

AP Photo/Carlos Osorio

This week’s debate reveals—in many ways—the blueprint for the election of 2024. Every candidate for federal office will be viewed as an extension of the Presidential nominee representing them this week.

That makes this week’s debate more meaningful than others in the cycle's past.

The major reason this is the case is because both men have had the reigns of government, both have a record in office, and the people will choose on those records.

From a purely policy perspective that indicates the most lopsided loss in history should be expected for the incumbent. But with the malcontent in office, his corrupt influence with the media, and whatever gamesmanship they may have planned for shenanigans the Trump team has zero room to relax or take a breath.

By extension, it also means that the rest of the ticket must play it equally tough. It is not time for the U.S. Senate candidate for a state or a House candidate for a district to wander off message. Incumbent Democrats are chained to Biden’s failures and his attack on Americans




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