Monday, June 17, 2024

US_ YouGov Poll: 53% of Hispanics Say Deport Illegals


YouGov Poll: 53% of Hispanics Say Deport Illegals

By Michael Katz | Monday, 17 June 2024 05:28 PM EDT

Illegal immigration continues to be a hot-button topic this election season, and a poll released Monday showed there is broad support, including among Hispanics, for mass national deportation, something former President Donald Trump has been advocating on the campaign trail.

The CBS/YouGov poll of 1,615 registered voters conducted June 5-7 found that 62%, including 53% of Hispanics, favored a federal program to deport illegal immigrants living in the U.S. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.8 percentage points.

Surprisingly, 38% of Democrats supported such a measure, as well as 58% of women and 47% of Black voters.




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