Friday, June 21, 2024

US_ Team Biden Is in a Panic Over the Trump Social Media Machine Bulldozing Them


Team Biden Is in a Panic Over the Trump Social Media Machine Bulldozing Them

By Duke | 8:25 PM on June 20, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Screenshot via YouTube

If there is one thing that's been consistent both on the pages here at RedState and also among the leftist chatterboxes who are desperately looking for excuses to cover for Joe Biden and his behavior it's this: We all realize that Joe is no longer fit for office, even if the left won't fully admit it. You know that we know that they know it is true.

If you knew about him when he was a senator from a state you couldn't find on a map and his eight years as vice president under Barack Obama, you already knew he was not fit. Yet the 2020 election was not about Joe Biden and his policy history — it was based on just hating on Donald Trump. Well, now that the country has gotten a dose of the real Joe Biden for the past three and a half years it seems that they're willing to put aside their dislike of Trump and dump the guy who replaced him because he should be relaxing in a convalescent home.

The Biden team is hitting a panic button — and with just a week to go until the vaunted POTUS debate over at the lackluster CNN as my colleague Becca Lower explains in her latest piece here at RedState.

NEW: Trump Maintains Lead vs. Biden in Battleground States, As We Draw Nearer to First Debate.




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