Tuesday, June 25, 2024

US_ Is Barack Obama's Quote About Joe's Abilities Playing Out in Real Time?


Is Barack Obama's Quote About Joe's Abilities Playing Out in Real Time?

By Becky Noble | 6:45 PM on June 25, 2024

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Barack Obama famously (or infamously) once said of Joe Biden, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up." Whether they love or hate Obama, the American people are finding out that truer words were never spoken. Inflation, food, and gas prices have Americans struggling mightily daily, and homeownership is virtually out of reach for young people. Add to that a wide-open southern border, soaring crime rates, and the world on fire. Yep, Joe Biden is certainly doing a bang-up job. There are plenty of Democrats who have a healthy case of buyer's remorse when it comes to Joe Biden's presidency, but it is worse than that.

Is Joe Biden incompetent enough to tank the entire Democrat party?

Thank you, Joe Biden. Great job in screwing up everything you touch. Obama was on point when he said, “Never underestimate Biden’s ability to F things up!” And this only your domestic disaster. You have also managed to cause chaos throughout the world. Weakness!! pic.twitter.com/vU825I8LOz
— Michael Franzese (@MichaelFranzese) May 6, 2024

Currently, Joe Biden is losing every traditional Democrat voting bloc. An April Wall Street Journal poll showed Donald Trump up significantly with black men in seven key swing states by as much as 30 points. If those numbers hold, it could be something not seen by Republicans in decades. Hispanic voters are also becoming disillusioned with Joe Biden and the Democrats. A March New York Times/Siena College poll showed Hispanic support for Trump at 46 percent and Biden at 40 percent. Women, especially single women, have also been traditionally Democrat voters. While the female vote will be close in 2024, a KFF survey of female voters showed that Republican women are a bit more enthusiastic about voting at 53 percent than Democrat women at 44 percent.


READ MORE: https://redstate.com/beckynoble/2024/06/25/is-barack-obamas-quote-about-joes-abilities-playing-out-in-real-time-n2175935


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