Saturday, June 15, 2024

US_ Bernie Kerik to Newsmax: Bill Barr, FBI, DOJ Knew Hunter Laptop was Real


Bernie Kerik to Newsmax: Bill Barr, FBI, DOJ Knew Hunter Laptop was Real

By James Morley III | Friday, 14 June 2024 05:11 PM EDT

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik told Newsmax on Friday that "[former U.S. Attorney General under President Donald Trump] Bill Barr and the DOJ and the FBI all knew" the Hunter Biden laptop was real and chose to do nothing.

On Oct. 14, 2020, news broke of a laptop belonging to President Joe Biden's son Hunter that allegedly contained damaging emails about the family's foreign business dealings and photographs detailing Hunter's depraved lifestyle.

Now, almost four years later, the FBI admitted in court that the laptop and its contents were authentic.



"So, I have some questions for the FBI. Why didn't they say so? Then I have a question for Bill Barr. What were you doing? Why did you allow that to happen? Why did you allow it and not say anything about the 51 intelligence officers? Why didn't you come forward to say that? They were all lying. And Bill Barr and the DOJ and the FBI all knew it."


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