Wednesday, June 12, 2024

OPINION_ HART: Show Trials And Faux Trials



HART: Show Trials And Faux Trials

(Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Ron Hart
June 12, 2024 11:21 AM ET

Even after the faux trial of Trump, Biden’s favorability numbers are dropping faster than Hunter Biden’s art prices will when Joe loses the presidency. Turns out most Americans see through the use of government to go after political adversaries. Enough!

A Gallup poll recently found that 77 percent of Americans are “very dissatisfied” with the way things are going. The other 23 percent responded “no hablo ingles.”

Joe Biden’s approval rating has slipped to 37 percent, prompting some party officials to think about replacing him on the ticket. Perhaps with P. Diddy and Hunter Biden, who always put the party first.

With Trump’s numbers rising despite his conviction and sexploits, perhaps the Dems are running the wrong Biden.

Trump’s NYC trial was ultimately about his company deducting $130,000.

Contrast that to Jill Biden, who flew back from France for the day on a government jet to intimidate the Delaware jurors in the Hunter Biden trial (another trial that need not have happened; and I take no pleasure in Hunter’s conviction).

The estimated cost of her flying to Delaware, then right back to France?
For such an environmentally conscious Democrat Party, this seems tone deaf. Just for those keeping score at home, $345,000 of mostly taxpayer money, versus maybe $13,000 of maybe missed NY state tax revenue.

During that trip to France, Jill, Joe and Emmanuel Macron commemorated the anniversary of D-Day by visiting the country’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In his remarks, Joe Biden said he knew the guy.

We are now $34 trillion in debt, but that doesn’t seem to have convinced our leaders to allocate the country’s resources more responsibly. Our corporate media had no problem with Jill’s $345,000 flight. They probably thought she was paying respect to France by way of an homage to Marie Antoninette.




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