Wednesday, June 12, 2024

HEALTH_ ‘Multibillion-dollar failure’: Aussie doctors rip into Covid response


Health Problems

‘Failure’: Aussie doctor’s Covid bombshell

Aussie doctors have delivered a scathing verdict on the Covid response, from misinformation about the virus to the “failure” of the vaccination program.

‘Multibillion-dollar failure’: Aussie doctors rip into Covid response

Aussie doctors have delivered a scathing verdict on the Covid response, from misinformation about the virus to the “failure” of the vaccination program.

Frank Chung @franks_chung
6 min read
June 12, 2024 - 2:50PM

Sky News host Rita Panahi says there is further evidence the honours system in Australia is “completely and utterly broken” and has become “hopelessly…

A top doctor has ripped into Australia’s handling of the Covid pandemic, accusing the government of spreading “misinformation” and putting people at risk.

Dr Kerryn Phelps accused the government of fuelling mistrust of health authorities while overselling the “safety and efficacy” of vaccines, and ignoring those suffering serious adverse events from the jabs.

Dr Phelps, who first
went public in late 2022 about the “devastating” vaccine injury both she and her wife had suffered after a Pfizer jab, said while there was “a lot that our public health agencies got right during this pandemic”, significant mistakes were made.

The former MP for Wentworth and Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney, and past president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA), is one of dozens of doctors and medical professionals who made
public submissions to the federal government’s Covid-19 Response Inquiry.

Dr Phelps slammed “confusing misinformation” spread by authorities early on.

This included claims that Covid was not airborne, there was “no need for masks”, children did not spread the disease and that “herd immunity” could be reached.

All of this turned out to be false.

She said the consequence of the “let it rip” decision in late 2021 led to a “massive number of infections and excess Covid-related deaths estimated by actuaries to be 20,000 in 2022”.

“Political decisions were made, and public health advice was provided based on this misinformation, fuelling mistrust in subsequent advice emanating from those sources,” she said.

Regarding the
vaccine rollout, Dr Phelps said “doctors and the public were assured that the vaccines would reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalisations and death from the virus” and the “information being disseminated emphasised their claimed ‘safety and efficacy’”.




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