Sunday, July 05, 2015

USA_ Editorial: How others see us


Editorial: How others see us

Posted Jul. 4, 2015 at 10:40 PM

Americans are pretty sour on foreign policy these days. President Obama’s constant critics have never found anything to like in his global leadership, and even those who support him on domestic issues see the continuing bad news from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan as signs of failure. Opposition to Obama’s nuclear negotiations with Iran, voiced most strongly by Israel’s leaders, resonates here at home. Opposition to U.S. drone warfare against foreign terrorist groups, felt most strongly in Pakistan, Yemen and other front-line states, rings true with many Democrats. Obama’s move to expand trade through the Trans Pacific Partnership has found critics on both sides of the partisan divide.

Many Americans assume that their disapproval of Obama’s foreign policy must be matched overseas. It turns out the opposite is true: Obama’s foreign policy has more support around the world than here at home.

That’s the conclusion of the latest installment of the Pew Global Attitudes Survey. Among its findings:

- In 39 countries surveyed, 69 percent of respondents have a favorable view of the United States, with just 24 percent holding an unfavorable view.

- In nearly every country surveyed, young people (age 18-29) have more favorable views of the U.S. than older generations.

- In only a handful of countries – Russia, China, Pakistan and some Arab countries in the Middle East – do the unfavorables outnumber the favorables.

- 65 percent of people surveyed in 39 countries expressed confidence that Obama will “do the right thing” in foreign affairs, while 27 percent disagree. Support for Obama is strongest in Africa, Europe and Asia, weakest in Russia, Jordan, the Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Venezuela and Pakistan. Support for Obama in Israel and China is evenly split.

- There is widespread support for U.S. actions against ISIS, with 62 percent in favor and 24 percent opposed. But objections to American interrogation practices post-9/11 remain widespread.

Whether you disagree or agree with them, it’s useful to know how the U.S. and its president are viewed by those outside our borders. And it’s reassuring to know that most of the world still has confidence in America and its president.


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