Sunday, July 05, 2015

TPP_ TPP protesters have their own agenda



Jul 5 2015 at 3:55 PM
Updated 1 hr ago

TPP protesters have their own agenda

Free trade The Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement has been roundly attacked, but mostly by groups that want to push their own agendas on regulation.

Many groups are opposed to the TPP deal, in the name of protection or even regulation. Chip Somodevilla

by Alan Oxley

Some things never change. The US Congress has now approved a process to pass the trans-Pacific partnership (TPP) free-trade agreement; trade unions, environmental groups, anti-intellectual property activists and health lobbyists will wail in protest. They did so in the 1990s when the US Congress agreed to adopt the North American free-trade agreement with Canada and Mexico (NAFTA) and the new global trade agreements of the World Trade Organisation.

These anti-free trade groups today contend the TPP undermines the national interest, like NAFTA. This is classic protectionism. They don't want de-regulation. The NAFTA protesters were US unions in the uncompetitive, low value-adding manufacturing industries – steel, paper, chemicals and glass. NAFTA boosted growth in North America. The US remains a world leader in high value-added manufacturing.


There is an interesting difference today. There is a new wave of anti-regulatory activism today. It aspires to turn TPP into a vehicle which advance other regulatory ambitions.

The TPP agreement will open services markets and free up investment. In the US, like Australia, services unions now dominate the movement, as they do in Australia. Both oppose TPP. But the positions of the Australian services unions is perverse. The agreement, like the recently-inked Asian Free Trade Agreements, aims to open markets for services industries for example – to finance, health and transport where Australian industry is strong. This will create opportunities for those businesses to expand in Asian Pacific services markets.

Yet the ACTU opposes the TPP. It also objects to disputes provisions which allow foreign investors to challenge failure by the government to implement commitments in the agreement not to restrict foreign investment in Australia. Has it lost the plot or does it think it is protecting some sort of right to strong arm foreign-owned businesses in Australia?

Other activists groups aspire to piggy back onto trade agreements their own ambitions. The Worldwide Fund for Nature has longed to insert its own regulatory agendas into trade agreements. They have had little success negotiating international environmental agreements. Health activists are following suit. Absurdly, they recently declared the TPP should be legally-subordinated to a very patchy and unenforceable UN convention to regulate tobacco. In legal terms this is little more than a code of practice.


These groups have generated noise. The main game has been efforts by their US counterparts to lobby mainly Democratic Senators and Members of Congress to oppose the TPP. They appear to have failed. The terms of the Agreement are not yet complete. Some parties, like Japan, wisely held off finalising terms with the US until it was clear Congress would pass the Agreement.

There is also another critique of the TPP which is best described as eccentric. It is in the Productivity Commission's annual report on trade assistance which has just been released. It has been dogma in the PC for nearly two decades that free-trade agreements should not be negotiated. The theory is they divert trade. But they don't unless the tariffs in the preferential agreement are significantly lower than their tariffs with WTO members. The WTO has demonstrated that at large they are not.

This fixation by the Commission is undermining its credibility. It appears to recognise that the main business of the TPP will be to reduce barriers to investment and services. (Tariffs at large among TPP parties are low). And has recently postulated that if better access is provided to service providers from one market than others, this will divert trade and undermine the desirable goal of ensuring such trade arrangements ensure all parties get equal benefit.

What the Commission appears to have overlooked is that the contestability that is sought by bringing more efficient and competitive services suppliers into a market does not require such granting such a right of access to all trading partners. All that is needed is enough suppliers who are globally competitive. The Commission oddly enough has aligned itself with the more overtly protectionist trade union critics of the TPP.

The TPP Agreement is not yet complete. It will be some time before the details are finalised and available. And contrary to the standing complaint no one has been consulted, it is practice for the government to consult with industries whose interests are in play. The major hurdle – agreement by the US Congress to pass legislation once it – is now in place. This is a remarkable and commendable achievement by the Obama Administration.

Alan Oxley is chairman of the Australian APEC Study Centre at RMIT University.

AFR Contributor


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