Townhall - Tipsheet - Spencer Brown
Biden's Quarterly Job Approval Is Lowest for Any Democrat Since WWII
Spencer Brown | @itsspencerbrown | Posted: Apr 22, 2022 2:15 PM
Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci
President Biden, despite holding control of the executive branch of U.S. government and his party having (albeit slim) majorities in both chambers of Congress, he hasn't been able to achieve many campaign promises nor respond to new crises that have arisen. And despite the cover given to Biden and Democrats by big tech and the mainstream media, Biden's approval numbers continue to sit drowning underwater. The latest Gallup quarterly approval polling average puts things in perspective among other presidents at this point in their presidencies:
So, other than former President Donald Trump — who had the entire media and big tech industrial complex against him as Democrats were engaged in their Russian collusion hoax narrative — Joe Biden has the lowest approval for this period in his presidency of any president since World War II. That means he's the most unpopular Democrat president in generations, and a bad spot to find himself in as he's supposed to lead his party to wins in November's midterm elections.